When using Céu-maker's céu-arduino or pico-céu on Windows, I noticed that two files are created on the root directory of the current drive (I have ceu-maker under "D:\ceu-maker-windows" and I found the files under "D:\").
The two files have the same name but one of them has no extension and the other has the extension ".1".
From the content of the files, I think this might be the output of the preprocessor phase of Céu.
This is using the latest release of Céu-maker v0.40 on Windows.
I attached the two files that were created from running céu-arduino with the "blink-01.ceu" example.
When using Céu-maker's céu-arduino or pico-céu on Windows, I noticed that two files are created on the root directory of the current drive (I have ceu-maker under "D:\ceu-maker-windows" and I found the files under "D:\").
The two files have the same name but one of them has no extension and the other has the extension ".1".
From the content of the files, I think this might be the output of the preprocessor phase of Céu.
This is using the latest release of Céu-maker v0.40 on Windows. I attached the two files that were created from running céu-arduino with the "blink-01.ceu" example. ceu-files.zip