Open soltrinox opened 2 years ago
Hey, yeah agree a demo would be really valuable - I'll see if I can put one together this/next week.
If I'm understanding your second question correctly you're asking "is there a way to suspend mic capture and then resume it at a later point"?
You could expand on the below perhaps?
const recognition = new Recognitition({
IdentityPoolId: "12345",
region: "abc"
recognition.continuous = true;
recognition.addEventListener("error", console.error);
recognition.addEventListener("end", () => console.log("end"));
recognition.addEventListener("result", function (event) {
const { transcript } = event.results[0][0];
// do something with the transcript - e.g. write it to the page
// start listening
// "pause" the microphone (use recognition.start() to unpause)
Would love to see a DEMO repo companion example for this.
Does the streaming allow for pause MICROPHONE event/method ?