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global resources for event series #9

Closed S6savahd closed 1 year ago

S6savahd commented 8 years ago

the URI should be http://ceur-ws.org/series/SePublica and this resource should have pointers to the individual events e.g., http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1155/#part-SePublica

liyakun commented 8 years ago

@S6savahd @clange , the series resource is added, and one example is:

<http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-987/#part-IWSECO> a ns3:Workshop ;
    ns1:partOf <http://ceur-ws.org/series/IWSECO> ;
    ns6:title "International Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2013" ;
    ns3:shortTitle "IWSECO" ;
    ns5:edition 5 .

<http://ceur-ws.org/series/IWSECO> ns1:hasPart <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-505/#part-IWSECO>,
        <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-987/#part-IWSECO> .

Do you think the vocabulary "partOf" and "hasPart" is appropriate?

S6savahd commented 8 years ago

the triples look fine, for the vocabularies, I would explore more to find meaningful ones (if any) with a quick search, I found this: http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#EventSeries

ScholarlyData also do not have event series: http://www.essepuntato.it/lode/http://www.scholarlydata.org/ontology/conference-ontology.owl

maybe we can define our own, e.g., :partOfSeries :isSeries

liyakun commented 7 years ago

@S6savahd , as we decide to keep current vocabularies for event series until we find better vocabularies, I changed the label of this issue as enhancement.

WolfgangFahl commented 1 year ago

see Series in Wikidata:

27 International Workshop on Software Ecosystems

29 SePublica