cevers / sap_locata_eval

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No way to read/parse new data #2

Open leomccormack opened 3 years ago

leomccormack commented 3 years ago

The read_participants_results() function (to obtain "estimates") is referenced in the following code (in the "main_evaluation() function):

if add_my_results_flag
    disp(['Adding new results to evaluation that were not submitted for the LOCATA challenge.'])
    disp(['Location of new results: ', n_dir])

    % Read participants' submissions:
    [ estimates, p_meta_data ] = read_participants_results( p_dir, eval_dir, valid_submission_ids, opts ); % participants' results and meta data

Which would allow new systems/data to be evaluated using the same metrics as used in the paper.

However, this function is not included in the repository, and the structure of "estimates" does not appear to be documented anywhere.

Therefore, would it be possible to add a function that is able to parse new data? or have some documentation regarding the structure of "estimates"?

leomccormack commented 3 years ago

Working backwards from the metric evaluation functions, it was possible to reverse engineer the structure of estimates and parse the data manually.

Incase it helps anyone:

ans =
     1     4    13     4

% estimates{id_idx, arr_idx, rec_idx, task_idx} 
% id_idx: submission ID
% arr_idx: 1:4  ('Robot Head', 'DICIT', 'Hearing Aids', 'Eigenmike')
% rec_idx: 1:13 (for tasks 1+2, and 1:5 for tasks 3+4)
% task_idx: 1:6

% e.g. Eigenmike, task 4:
ans = 
  struct with fields:

    source: [1×4 struct]

% where:
ans = 
  1×4 struct array with fields:

The elements of ".source" then have the dimensions:

Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 17 35 07

azimuth in radians, elevation in radians (although, actually inclination: pi/2-elevation) range in meters