ceylon / ceylon-runtime

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"ceylon run <module>" inconsistent to "ceylon compile <module>" #51

Closed genodeftest closed 10 years ago

genodeftest commented 10 years ago

Hi I have this ceylon project file tree:

ls -R ./
classes  modules  source




default.car  default.car.index  default.car.sha1  default.src  default.src.sha1



I got it compiled running ceylon compile default but it doesn't run with ceylon run default, gives this error message instead:

ceylon run: Could not find toplevel method 'run'

This behavior is inconsistent.

quintesse commented 10 years ago

Why do you think this behaviour is inconsistent? And does your code actually define a toplevel run() method?

genodeftest commented 10 years ago

Sorry, my fault. Didn't check that.