Closed rpasek closed 5 years ago
To check the problem of stub driver, windows kernel logs would be helpful. Please refer to
Thanks for the info!
When attaching things seem ok except for:
00000146 163.32231140 usbip_stub:(EE) not supported:usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_WRITE: Enter
00000147 163.32231140 usbip_stub: dispatch_write: hdr: cmd:USBIP_CMD_UNLINK,seq:12,out,ep:0,unlinkseq:11
00000148 163.32231140 usbip_stub: process_cmd_unlink: enter
00000149 163.32235718 usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_READ: Enter
00000150 163.32235718 usbip_stub: dispatch_read: enter
00000151 163.32269287 usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_WRITE: Enter
00000152 163.32269287 usbip_stub: dispatch_write: hdr: cmd:USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT,seq:13,out,ep:0,tlen:0,intv:0
00000153 163.32270813 usbip_stub: control_transfer: seq:13, csp:out,BMREQUEST_VENDOR,BMREQUEST_TO_DEVICE,USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION,wIndex:0,wLength:0,wValue:16
When I open screen on /dev/ttyUSB0 but type no characters I see this pattern quickly repeated:
00021990 261.18692017 usbip_stub: send_stub_res: partially sent: 0 < 2: seq:1587,data_len:2
00021991 261.18698120 usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_READ: Enter
00021992 261.18698120 usbip_stub: dispatch_read: enter
00021993 261.18701172 usbip_stub: send_stub_res: sent: cmd:USBIP_RET_SUBMIT,seq:1587,out,ep:0,alen:2
00021994 261.18713379 usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_READ: Enter
00021995 261.18713379 usbip_stub: dispatch_read: enter
00021996 261.18804932 usbip_stub: stub_dispatch: IRP_MJ_WRITE: Enter
00021997 261.18804932 usbip_stub: dispatch_write: hdr: cmd:USBIP_CMD_SUBMIT,seq:1589,in,ep:1,tlen:512,intv:0
00021998 261.18804932 usbip_stub: bulk_intr_transfer: seq:1589, ep:epaddr:81
00021999 261.18807983 usbip_stub: call_usbd_nb: enter
00022000 261.18807983 usbip_stub: call_usbd_nb: call_usbd_nb: seq:1589,data_len:512
00022001 261.18811035 usbip_stub: call_usbd_nb: status = STATUS_PENDING
00022002 261.20285034 usbip_stub: do_safe_completion: status = USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS
00022003 261.20288086 usbip_stub: done_bulk_intr_transfer: sres:seq:1588,data_len:512,status:STATUS_SUCCESS,usbd_status:USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS
I'll look into what "(EE) not supported" means to familiarize myself with what is going on.
Thanks, Richard
I took a look at line 207 in stub_write.c and found:
DBGE(DBG_READWRITE, "not supported:", dbg_cspkt_reqtype(reqType));
As an experiment I changed it to:
process_class_request(devstub, csp, hdr);
DBGE(DBG_READWRITE, "maybe supported:", dbg_cspkt_reqtype(reqType));
and I got much further. In dmesg after attach I see:
[ 7733.596405] ftdi_sio 1-1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
[ 7733.596437] usb 1-1: Detected FT232RL
[ 7733.597818] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to read latency timer: -1
[ 7733.598888] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: Unable to write latency timer: -1
[ 7733.599094] usb 1-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
Now in screen I can send and receive on the FTDI device using the default baud rate. When the baud rate is changed however I get this in dmesg:
[ 7788.989553] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: ftdi_set_termios FAILED to set databits/stopbits/parity
[ 7788.990295] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: ftdi_set_termios urb failed to set baudrate
[ 7788.990954] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: failed to set flow control: -1
[ 7788.992480] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: failed to get modem status: -1
[ 7788.993173] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: ftdi_set_termios urb failed to set baudrate
[ 7788.993848] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: failed to set flow control: -1
[ 7788.994577] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: failed to get modem status: -1
[ 7880.588650] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32
It seems to me that the reason why this is not working is we are not handling BMREQUEST_VENDOR. Simply sending bad data to the device allows us to continue in a broken state but it's still progress. How would we go about adding proper support for this?
Thanks, Richard
@rpasek : You're going well.. 😄 I guess that I had not implemented vendor request because I don't have such a device.. Treating vendor request seems to be much like class request. But process_class_request() should be slightly changed such as that URB_FUNCTION_CLASS_DEVICE -> URB_FUNCION_VENDOR_DEVICE. Will you try this? I bet that you can make it!
Thanks! I attempted this earlier today and it works well! I don't have much experience using github but I have a branch I'd like to push and create a pull request for. Can you give me access to push a branch or should I fork and then inform you of the branch?
If not here is the code I changed:
static void
process_class_request(usbip_stub_dev_t *devstub, usb_cspkt_t *csp, struct usbip_header *hdr, BOOLEAN vendorreq)
PVOID data;
ULONG datalen;
UCHAR reservedBits;
unsigned long seqnum;
BOOLEAN is_in, res;
datalen = hdr->u.cmd_submit.transfer_buffer_length;
if (datalen == 0)
data = NULL;
data = (PVOID)(hdr + 1);
is_in = csp->bmRequestType.Dir ? TRUE : FALSE;
switch (csp->bmRequestType.Recipient) {
reservedBits = csp->bmRequestType.Reserved;
seqnum = hdr->base.seqnum;
res = submit_class_vendor_req(devstub, is_in, cmd, reservedBits, csp->bRequest, csp->wValue.W, csp->wIndex.W, data, &datalen);
if (res) {
if (is_in)
reply_stub_req_data(devstub, seqnum, data, datalen, TRUE);
reply_stub_req_hdr(devstub, USBIP_RET_SUBMIT, seqnum);
reply_stub_req_err(devstub, USBIP_RET_SUBMIT, seqnum, -1);
static void
process_control_transfer(usbip_stub_dev_t *devstub, struct usbip_header *hdr)
usb_cspkt_t *csp;
UCHAR reqType;
csp = (usb_cspkt_t *)hdr->u.cmd_submit.setup;
DBGI(DBG_READWRITE, "control_transfer: seq:%u, csp:%s\n", hdr->base.seqnum, dbg_ctlsetup_packet(csp));
reqType = CSPKT_REQUEST_TYPE(csp);
switch (reqType) {
process_standard_request(devstub, hdr->base.seqnum, csp);
process_class_request(devstub, csp, hdr, FALSE);
process_class_request(devstub, csp, hdr, TRUE);
DBGE(DBG_READWRITE, "invalid request type:", dbg_cspkt_reqtype(reqType));
@rpasek :
Can you give me access to push a branch or should I fork and then inform you of the branch?
Both would be fine. I added you as collaborator. You can create a branch or commit to existing branch.
Thanks! I've created a PR against master.
Hello! I've been trying to get an FTDI FT4232H (which is a 4 port version of the very common FT232) working with WSL 2 with windows being the server of the FT4232H and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (kernel 4.19.43-microsoft-standard) as the client (although I don't think that WSL 2 is a source of this bug at this point (I'll elaborate on this a bit more further down)).
A little backstory: WSL 2 does not have USB support so I've been trying to add it back in. Adding in USB support in WSL 2 would solve probably the most major issue with WSL 2. The usbip-win project has the ability to solve this. I've been successful at compiling the usbip kernel modules in 4.19.43-microsoft-standard and modprobing them all in. I've been successful using this repo to host a CDC-ACM device on Windows and was able to use the compiled kernel modules to allow this CDC-ACM device to exist on Linux and I'm able to communicate with the CDC-ACM device with no issues.
When attempting to host the FT4232H in Windows and trying to attach to the device in Linux I get these messages in dmesg:
I get this message repeated 4 times, 1 for each FTDI port. I'm unable to interact with any of these devices. All interactions time out and no data is sent to the FTDI device. I suspect although I have no proof that no data is being sent or received on endpoint 0.
When starting usbip --debug in Windows this is displayed:
I find it a little concerning that no interfaces or configurations are found. Maybe this could be related? Update: I found this is true for other devices that function fine, so probably unrelated.
To prove that this issue is most certainly with the Windows instance of USBIP driver and not with WSL 2, I hosted the same FTDI device with usbip on native Linux machine and I'm able to connect to the FTDI device with no issues in the hosted WSL 2 Ubuntu environment.
More on WSL 2: (
Please let me know if this is something you'd have interest in fixing or if you'd like to have help fixing!
Update: I attempted to us a FT232 (the single port FTDI device) and I seem to have the same results.
Thanks, Richard