cezarsa / silver_bird

Extension to access your Twitter from the Google Chrome browser.
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character count incorrect, causing the tweet to fail getting delivered #397

Open kjellski opened 11 years ago

kjellski commented 11 years ago

To reproduce the error, paste this into your silverbird client. I've reopened the browser in between tests and was able to see -1 on twitter when pasting it in their post box.

my #goal for today: finish the #treehouse course "Building Social Features in RoR" and "Dojo for #jQuery Developers" - bit.ly/YSsXy4

here two pictures:

WRONG: silverbird_wrong_charcount

CORRECT: twitter_right_charcount

Now to the fun part: The actual text is only 132 characters long, which is then correctly counted by silverbird(showing 8). Nevertheless, twitter won't accept the tweet. we should somehow get arround their counting scheme and reproduce it for shortened urls.

dorry-kun commented 11 years ago

Twitter changed the way it manages links recently. I thought it added "http://", but that doesn't account for all of your 9 characters.

Orforio commented 11 years ago

I thought this was down to the fact that Twitter now wraps any URL in their own shortening service, even if it's already been shortened. See: https://support.twitter.com/articles/109623-about-twitter-s-link-service-http-t-co

dorry-kun commented 11 years ago

"URL of any length will be altered to 20 characters, even if the link itself is less than 20 characters long. Your character count will reflect this." ( https://support.twitter.com/articles/78124-how-to-shorten-links-urls ) Even with that you would have 1 character less than the 140 limit. I must be misunderstanding something...

Orforio commented 11 years ago

Fiddling around with Twitter's input box the only explanation I can come up with is that Twitter's shortened URLs actually take up 22 characters, not the 20 stated on the FAQ. Taking a look at a random URL in my feed, I'm only shown 15 characters in the t.co URL, so I'm guessing that http:// is added on to this, making the full 22.

kjellski commented 11 years ago

Sorry for not catching up until now. This issue still exists on my side, from a users perspective it's really sad to craft a tweet to correctly match the 140 character to then get popped by twitter not accepting it because from their point of view it's longer. Maybe we should "correct" the counting on the silverbird side?

dorry-kun commented 11 years ago

Twitter changed the info in the FAQ we were refering to above. It now says it's 22 characters as PkerUNO counted. I think "correcting" it is the best option for us.