Closed broderickt2 closed 8 months ago
Ok I think I figured it out. I just set the AdditionalAnalyzer
when creating my fixture, I think that's what was missing. Assuming this is the right change, might be a good idea to throw a more descriptive exception in GetAllReportedDiagnostics
explaining this all.
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SyncValidEnumValueAttributeCodeFixProvider>(new CodeFixTestFixtureConfig
References = new[]
MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("netstandard")).Location)
AdditionalAnalyzers = new[] { new SyncValidEnumValueAttributeAnalyzer() }
Now I am running into the TransformedCodeDifferentThanExpectedException
. Here is what the diff looks like:
I think the EOD
file separator isn't being respected because the right side doesn't have the Rev.App.Validators.DataAnnotations
namespace I setup
Exactly, when you test a CodeFix that responds to your custom analyzer diagnostics, then you need to provide an instance of that analyzer.
The current version of RoslynTestKit is after significant API rework - I moved from the test class inheritance approach to the explicit creation of test fixture. Some things still might needs some adjustments. Thanks for the feedback.
UPDATE: The expected pattern should be exactly as the transformed document (single file with the marker)
Ok I got it to pass now. I basically removed the EOD part and the namespace class. Here is what it looks like now in case you were curious:
public void AttributeAddedFixWorks()
string code = $@"
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace App
public class Model
[|public Enum_Sample MyProperty {{ get; set; }}|]
public enum Enum_Sample
string code2 = $@"
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Rev.App.Validators.DataAnnotations;
namespace App
public class Model
public Enum_Sample MyProperty {{ get; set; }}
public enum Enum_Sample
var fixture = RoslynFixtureFactory.Create<SyncValidEnumValueAttributeCodeFixProvider>(new CodeFixTestFixtureConfig
References = new[]
MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("netstandard")).Location)
AdditionalAnalyzers = new[] { new SyncValidEnumValueAttributeAnalyzer() }
fixture.TestCodeFix(code, code2, SyncValidEnumValueAttributeAnalyzer.DiagnosticId);
I originally had added the extra class at the end of both code variables because I didn't think it was going to compile without the namespace definition also being included so it is interesting it still compiles/works like this.
Closing this, I figured it out as explained above.
I am in the process of creating a unit test using
and this is my first time using it. I could be doing something wrong but want to confirm if there's something else wrong. Here is my unit test code below that is failing:I know a diagnostic is being thrown from the first
string because my other unit test is passing. Here is that test:Full error message and stack trace
Message: Test method Analyzers.Test.SyncValidEnumValueAttributeUnitTests.AttributeAddedFixWorks threw exception: System.ArgumentException: Argument cannot be empty. (Parameter 'analyzers')
Stack Trace: CompilationWithAnalyzers.VerifyAnalyzersArgumentForStaticApis(ImmutableArray
1 analyzers, Boolean allowDefaultOrEmpty) CompilationWithAnalyzers.VerifyArguments(Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray
1 analyzers, CompilationWithAnalyzersOptions analysisOptions) CompilationWithAnalyzers.ctor(Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray1 analyzers, CompilationWithAnalyzersOptions analysisOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) CompilationWithAnalyzers.ctor(Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray
1 analyzers, AnalyzerOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) DiagnosticAnalyzerExtensions.WithAnalyzers(Compilation compilation, ImmutableArray1 analyzers, AnalyzerOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) CodeFixTestFixture.GetAllReportedDiagnostics(Document document) CodeFixTestFixture.GetReportedDiagnostics(Document document, IDiagnosticLocator locator)+MoveNext() LargeArrayBuilder
1.AddRange(IEnumerable1 items) EnumerableHelpers.ToArray[T](IEnumerable
1 source) Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) CodeFixTestFixture.GetDiagnostic(Document document, String diagnosticId, IDiagnosticLocator locator) CodeFixTestFixture.TestCodeFix(Document document, String expected, String diagnosticId, IDiagnosticLocator locator, ICodeActionSelector codeActionSelector) CodeFixTestFixture.TestCodeFix(String markupCode, String expected, String diagnosticId, ICodeActionSelector actionSelector) CodeFixTestFixture.TestCodeFix(String markupCode, String expected, String diagnosticId, Int32 codeFixIndex)Here is the code I think the stack trace led to:
It seems like
might be empty, and that's causing the issue whenWithAnalyzers
is called, just a guess though. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!