cezheng / Fuzi

A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
MIT License
1.06k stars 151 forks source link

While installing through Carthage it should downloads version "3.0.0", but it installs "2.1.0" help wanted #97

Closed arunlj561 closed 5 years ago

arunlj561 commented 5 years ago


While installing through Carthage it downloads version "2.1.0", but i want to install "3.0.0" carthage update Fetching Kingfisher Fetching r2-shared-swift Fetching r2-streamer-swift Fetching readium-opds-swift Fetching ZIPFoundation Fetching r2-navigator-swift Fetching AEXML Fetching Minizip Fetching CryptoSwift Fetching SQLite.swift Fetching MBProgressHUD Fetching GCDWebServer Fetching Fuzi Fetching r2-shared-swift Fetching r2-shared-swift Fetching r2-shared-swift Checking out ZIPFoundation at "5e0ea3a0d5f5e57dbd3822076621403932859f53" Checking out Fuzi at "2.1.0" Checking out r2-shared-swift at "c01177ff01bf52b6722b2842a53485b4a9781790" Checking out MBProgressHUD at "1.1.0" Checking out readium-opds-swift at "88606fbfc57f854e9e2eaad67d351f9c16facac8" Checking out Kingfisher at "4.6.4" Checking out Minizip at "1.4.0" Checking out r2-streamer-swift at "1cc6dc1c683b12592b052c80669302f9c36efcdd" Checking out AEXML at "4.3.3" Checking out SQLite.swift at "0.11.5" Checking out r2-navigator-swift at "74acf9fc8ad3ccbc0c5c7f3127aabb01e80d6a70" Checking out GCDWebServer at "3.5.2" Checking out CryptoSwift at "0.14.0" xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/hl/q7jgr_hs3db5vckgl575rbp40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.HFmjSe.log Building scheme "AEXML macOS" in AEXML.xcodeproj Building scheme "AEXML watchOS" in AEXML.xcodeproj Building scheme "AEXML iOS" in AEXML.xcodeproj Building scheme "AEXML tvOS" in AEXML.xcodeproj Building scheme "CryptoSwift" in CryptoSwift.xcworkspace Building scheme "Fuzi" in Fuzi.xcworkspace Build Failed Task failed with exit code 65: /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/arunjangid/Downloads/r2-testapp-swift-develop/Carthage/Checkouts/Fuzi/Fuzi.xcworkspace -scheme Fuzi -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/arunjangid/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/10.2.1_10E1001/Fuzi/2.1.0 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive -archivePath /var/folders/hl/q7jgr_hs3db5vckgl575rbp40000gn/T/Fuzi SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/arunjangid/Downloads/r2-testapp-swift-develop/Carthage/Checkouts/Fuzi)

This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/hl/q7jgr_hs3db5vckgl575rbp40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.HFmjSe.log

xcodebuild log

/Users/arunjangid/Downloads/r2-testapp-swift-develop/Carthage/Checkouts/Fuzi/Sources/Node.swift:91:20: warning: 'let' properties are implicitly 'final'; use 'public' instead of 'open' open unowned let document: XMLDocument

/Users/arunjangid/Downloads/r2-testapp-swift-develop/Carthage/Checkouts/Fuzi/Sources/NodeSet.swift:104:19: warning: static declarations are implicitly 'final'; use 'public' instead of 'open'
  open static let emptySet = XPathNodeSet(cXPath: nil, document: nil)
  ~~~~            ^
/Users/arunjangid/Downloads/r2-testapp-swift-develop/Carthage/Checkouts/Fuzi/Sources/NodeSet.swift:77:5: error: use of unresolved identifier '_precondition'; did you mean 'precondition'?
    _precondition(idx >= startIndex && idx < endIndex, "Index of out bound")
Swift.precondition:1:13: note: 'precondition' declared here
public func precondition(_ condition: @autoclosure () -> Bool, _ message: @autoclosure () -> String = String(), file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line)


### Environment
* Package Manager:
    - [ ] Carthage, version: 2.1.0
    - [ ] CocoaPods, version: NA
    - [ ] Manually

* Fuzi version: 2.1.0
* Xcode version: 10.2

### How to reproduce:
Try steps given above
cezheng commented 5 years ago

This is just a Carthage usage issue, you can specify any version you want in the Cartfile