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New standard name number_concentration_of_biological_taxon_pollen_grains_in_air #332

Closed angilkaka closed 2 years ago

angilkaka commented 3 years ago

Proposer's name AtMoDat Project - Angelika Heil Date 2021-07-23

Relevance: Numerical pollen forecasting is nowadays well established, but there are no CF standard names to write out model output in a standardised manner.

Reference for definition of "Pollen grain": Galán et al. 2017: Recommended terminology for aerobiological studies,

The only new sentence in the term description is: "The number concentration of pollen grains refers to the number of individual pollen grains per unit volume. "Biological taxon" is a name or other label identifying an organism or a group of organisms as belonging to a unit of classification in a hierarchical taxonomy." The other sentences are taken from term descriptions of existing standard names.

Hello, I would very much appreciate hearing your thoughts on whether this proposal is coherent. Thanks a lot! Best regards Angelika

JonathanGregory commented 3 years ago

I don't know about this subject, but the construction of your proposed standard name looks fine to me, thanks, @angilkaka

roy-lowry commented 3 years ago

It's a precedent - the first time we've had to deal with a part of an organism - but I think it's the best solution. The description extension looks excellent to me.

angilkaka commented 3 years ago

Dear Jonathan, dear Roy,

thanks a lot for your encouraging responses.

There is a large potential user group for this standard name. Firstly, there is an increasing number of pollen modeling and measurement activities. Secondly, NetCDF as standard output file format is becoming more and more established in this context. The introduction of CF standard names for pollen would enable users to store and share their output in a more FAIR manner.

For Europe, for example, there are daily CAMS pollen forecasts!/dataset/cams-europe-air-quality-forecasts?tab=overview, publicly available in GRIB and NetCDF.

There are also many activities on modeling atmospheric pollen concentrations elsewhere, e.g. using – GEM-MACH (Robichaud 2021: https://, – CMAQ-pollen (Efstathiou et al. 2011:, – the "pollen-extended" WRF-Chem (Werner et al. 2021:, – CHIMERE (Mesut et al. 2021:, – METRAS (Schueler and Schlünzen 2006:

I would therefore very much appreciate if you could support my proposal and add the proposed standard name to the CF table.

Thank you and best regards Angelika.

P.S.: For illustration, I drafted an example usage of the proposed pollen concentration standard name in a NetCDF file dimension: time = 6 ; lat = 40 ; lon = 60 ; string80 = 80 ; taxon = 11 ; variables: float time(time); …. float pollen_conc(time,lat,lon,taxon) ; pollen_conc:standard_name = "number_concentration_of_biological_taxon_pollen_grains_in_air“ ; pollen_conc:units = „m-3“ ; pollen_conc:coordinates = "taxon_lsid taxon_name“ ; pollen_conc:long_name = „airborne pollen concentration“ ; char taxon_name(taxon,string80) ; taxon_name:standard_name = "biological_taxon_name“ ; taxon_name:long_name = „pollen (Latin name)" ; char taxon_lsid(taxon,string80) ; taxon_lsid:standard_name = "biological_taxon_lsid“ ; taxon_lsid:long_name = „ITIS identifier“ ; taxon_lsid:url = „“ ; char pollen_common_name(taxon,string80) ; pollen_common_name:long_name = „pollen (common name)“ ; pollen_common_name:description = „Common names as listed in ITIS“ ; pollen_common_name:url = „“ ; data: time = 6., 12., ... ; lat = 1., 2., ... ; lon = 5., 6., ... ; pollen_conc = 0.0087, 0.28367, ... ; taxon_name = "Betula L.", "Poaceae", "Artemisia L.", "Ambrosia L.", "Secale L.", "Alnus Mill.", "Fraxinus L.", "Corylus L.", "Olea L.", "Fagus L.", "Quercus L." ; taxon_lsid ="", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "“ ; pollen_common_name="birch", "grasses", "sagebrush", "ragweed", "rye", "alder", "ash", "hazelnut", "olive", "beech", "oak“ ;

roy-lowry commented 3 years ago

Dear Angilkaka. I think Fran will understand that Jonathan and I have both already supported your proposal though our positive comments.

JonathanGregory commented 3 years ago

It is possible that this proposal hasn't been noticed by the managers of standard names because this is an issue in the cf-conventions repository. Proposals for standard names should be made in the discuss repository. I suggest that you open a new issue in that repo, tagged standard name, and refer to this one from there. There's no need to repeat the above, but the thread could continue in that one instead. Sorry I didn't notice before. We should make sure that the templates clarify which repo should be used. Jonathan

feggleton commented 3 years ago

Apologies I didn't see this before. I will look at this properly shortly. Thanks

feggleton commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

Thank you for this proposal. It looks like this term has been agreed upon and the description follows normal contents. If there are no further comments in the next 7 days, then this term can be accepted.


feggleton commented 2 years ago

@japamment Just flagging this to your attention in case I didn't mention it before.

japamment commented 2 years ago

The discussion here has moved to #144 in the discuss repository where the standard name has been accepted. Closing this issue now.