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Classification of existing standard names for `units_metadata` #172

Closed JonathanGregory closed 3 months ago

JonathanGregory commented 8 months ago

Dear all

Following the discussion in discuss issue cf-convention/vocabularies#125, conventions issue #481 was implemented in the latest CF release. This defines the new units_metadata attribute, which is strongly recommended to be provided for all variables with a units attribute that includes temperature units. It has three possible values.

units_metadata="temperature: on-scale" means that the temperature quantity is relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units e.g. 10 degC means 10 Celsius degrees above freezing point, the zero of the Celsius scale.

units_metadata="temperature: difference" means that the temperature quantity is the difference between two temperatures, so the origin of the scale is irrelevant, and only the unit of measure matters e.g. 10 degC could be the difference between on-scale temperature of 20 degC and 30 degC, or equally between -40 degC and -30 degC.

This information is needed to convert the units correctly. For example, 10 degC on-scale equals 51 degF, but 10 degC difference equals 18 degF.

The third possibility, units_metadata="temperature: unknown", means that the data-writer doesn't know which it is. This is unsatisfactory, because the data-user has to decide what to do. That was of course the situation for all data written with previous versions of CF, and is still the situation if units_metadata is omitted.

As part of the discussion leading to this change, we decided that we would add some text to the description of every existing standard name that has temperature in its canonical units. This text will say in every case that it's strongly recommended to include the units_metadata attribute. There are three possible versions of the text we would add, depending on the quantity. Some standard names are for quantities that could only be on-scale; in those cases, the text will strongly recommend including units_metadata="temperature: on-scale". Some could only be a difference, and those will have units_metadata="temperature: difference" strongly recommended. Many could be either on-scale or difference. In those cases, the text will say that the appropriate value should be coded, depending on the data-writer's scientific understanding of the intention of the data.

In order to do this, we have to classify the existing standard names. @larsbarring and I have drafted a classification, which appears below, according to our scientific understanding of what these standard names might be used for. The names are grouped by their canonical unit. Comments and corrections are welcome. Note that "either" is a safe choice; it leaves the decision to the data-writer of whether the appropriate choice is in-situ or difference. Also note that for quantities which aren't pure temperature, "difference" means that the temperature part is interpreted as a difference. It doesn't mean the whole quantity is necessarily a difference between two values.

Once we've agreed this classification, we can proceed to draft the text to be added for each case. Of course, we will also have to do this for all future standard names that include temperature.

Best wishes


standard name units_metadata
air_equivalent_potential_temperature either
air_equivalent_temperature either
air_potential_temperature either
air_pseudo_equivalent_potential_temperature either
air_pseudo_equivalent_temperature either
air_temperature either
air_temperature_anomaly difference
air_temperature_at_cloud_top either
air_temperature_at_effective_cloud_top_defined_by_infrared_radiation either
air_temperature_threshold on-scale
apparent_air_temperature either
atmosphere_stability_k_index either
atmosphere_stability_showalter_index difference
atmosphere_stability_total_totals_index difference
brightness_temperature either
brightness_temperature_anomaly difference
brightness_temperature_at_cloud_top either
canopy_temperature either
change_over_time_in_sea_water_conservative_temperature difference
change_over_time_in_sea_water_potential_temperature difference
change_over_time_in_sea_water_temperature difference
dew_point_depression difference
dew_point_temperature either
difference_between_sea_surface_temperature_and_air_temperature difference
dynamic_tropopause_potential_temperature either
fire_temperature either
freezing_temperature_of_sea_water either
heat_index_of_air_temperature either
land_ice_basal_temperature either
land_ice_temperature either
product_of_air_temperature_and_specific_humidity either
sea_ice_basal_temperature either
sea_ice_surface_temperature either
sea_ice_temperature either
sea_surface_foundation_temperature either
sea_surface_skin_temperature either
sea_surface_subskin_temperature either
sea_surface_temperature either
sea_water_conservative_temperature either
sea_water_potential_temperature either
sea_water_potential_temperature_at_sea_floor either
sea_water_temperature either
sea_water_temperature_anomaly difference
sea_water_temperature_at_sea_floor either
sea_water_temperature_difference difference
soil_temperature either
stagnation_temperature_in_air either
surface_brightness_temperature either
surface_temperature either
surface_temperature_anomaly difference
temperature_at_base_of_ice_sheet_model either
temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model either
temperature_difference_between_ambient_air_and_air_lifted_adiabatically difference
temperature_difference_between_ambient_air_and_air_lifted_adiabatically_from_the_surface difference
temperature_in_ground either
temperature_in_surface_snow either
temperature_of_analysis_of_sea_water either
temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water either
toa_brightness_temperature either
toa_brightness_temperature_assuming_clear_sky either
toa_brightness_temperature_bias_at_standard_scene_due_to_intercalibration difference
toa_brightness_temperature_of_standard_scene either
tropical_cyclone_eye_brightness_temperature either
tropopause_air_temperature either
virtual_temperature either
wet_bulb_potential_temperature either
wet_bulb_temperature either
wind_chill_of_air_temperature either
K m-1
air_temperature_lapse_rate difference
K m s-1
covariance_over_longitude_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature difference
product_of_eastward_sea_water_velocity_and_temperature either
product_of_eastward_wind_and_air_temperature either
product_of_northward_sea_water_velocity_and_temperature either
product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature either
product_of_upward_air_velocity_and_air_temperature either
K m2 kg-1 s-1
ertel_potential_vorticity difference
kg degree_C m-2
integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_conservative_temperature_and_sea_water_density either
integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_potential_temperature_and_sea_water_density either
K m
integral_wrt_depth_of_sea_water_temperature either
K s
integral_wrt_time_of_air_temperature_deficit difference
integral_wrt_time_of_air_temperature_excess difference
perceived_temperature either
physiological_equivalent_temperature either
sea_water_added_conservative_temperature difference
sea_water_added_potential_temperature difference
sea_water_redistributed_conservative_temperature either
sea_water_redistributed_potential_temperature either
universal_thermal_comfort_index either
K Pa s-1
product_of_lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure_and_air_temperature either
K s-1
ratio_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_anomaly_to_relaxation_timescale difference
tendency_of_air_temperature difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_advection difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_boundary_layer_mixing difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_convection difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_diabatic_processes difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_diffusion difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_dissipation_of_nonorographic_gravity_waves difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_dissipation_of_orographic_gravity_waves difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_dry_convection difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_from_volcanic_ambient_aerosol_particles difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_moist_convection difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_from_volcanic_ambient_aerosol_particles difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_cloud_and_precipitation_and_boundary_layer_mixing difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_precipitation difference
tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_turbulence difference
tendency_of_sea_water_temperature difference
tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_advection difference
tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_horizontal_mixing difference
tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection difference
tendency_of_sea_water_temperature_due_to_vertical_mixing difference
J kg-1 K-1
soil_thermal_capacity difference
specific_heat_capacity_of_frozen_ground difference
specific_heat_capacity_of_sea_water difference
W m-1 K-1
soil_thermal_conductivity difference
thermal_conductivity_of_frozen_ground difference
square_of_air_temperature either
square_of_sea_surface_temperature either
github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your proposal. These terms will be added to the cfeditor ( shortly. Your proposal will then be reviewed and commented on by the community and Standard Names moderator.

davidhassell commented 8 months ago

Dear @JonathanGregory and @larsbarring,

Thanks for putting this list together, and its clear preamble. Everything seems OK to me on a first look through. It was useful to check some of the full standard name definitions.

efisher008 commented 7 months ago

Dear @JonathanGregory and @larsbarring,

I have added the broader text you suggested, i.e. _"It is strongly recommended to include a unitsmetadata attribute.", to the description of each standard name you listed in the CF editor. What do you think of including the additional text: "The value of this attribute should be "temperature: on-scale / temperature: difference"." for the names classified as on-scale / difference values respectively, and "The appropriate value of this attribute should be coded, depending on the scientific understanding of the intention of the data." when either value may be used?

I think we will just need to review individually each name to ensure that the classification is correct, although I'm sure both of you have already put a large amount of effort into selecting the units_metadata classifier. Thank you for your time on this.

Best regards, Ellie

JonathanGregory commented 7 months ago

Dear Ellie @efisher008

Thanks. That is sensible. For the cases which aren't "either", you could amalgamate the phrases i.e. _It is strongly recommended to include the attribute unitsmetadata="on-scale" or "difference" as the case may be. For all cases, but especially the "either" cases, it would help to refer to section 3.1.2 for an explanation of the meaning of the attribute.

Best wishes


efisher008 commented 7 months ago

Hi @JonathanGregory,

Section 3.1.2 of the CF conventions includes the following text: _"In order to convert the units correctly, it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference. Therefore this standard strongly recommends that any variable whose units involve a temperature unit should also have a unitsmetadata attribute to make the distinction."

Would you suggest inserting this into the description for all value-types, or shortening it in some way?

Perhaps one of the sentences below could then be added for the cases which aren't either, depending on whether the value is "difference" or "on-scale"? _"unitsmetadata="temperature: on-scale" means that the temperature quantity is relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units." or _"unitsmetadata="temperature: difference" means that the temperature quantity is the difference between two temperatures, so the origin of the scale is irrelevant, and only the unit of measure matters."

This would finally be followed in the description by _"It is strongly recommended to include the attribute [units_metadata/units_metadata="temperature: difference"/unitsmetadata="temperature: on-scale"]"

For example, the name air_temperature_anomaly would have the following description: _""anomaly" means difference from climatology. Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature. In order to convert the units correctly, it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference. Therefore this standard strongly recommends that any variable whose units involve a temperature unit should also have a units_metadata attribute to make the distinction. units_metadata="temperature: difference" means that the temperature quantity is the difference between two temperatures, so the origin of the scale is irrelevant, and only the unit of measure matters. It is strongly recommended to include the attribute unitsmetadata="temperature: difference"."

Let me know what you think about this.

Best wishes, Ellie

JonathanGregory commented 7 months ago

Dear Ellie

Thanks for your suggestions. I think the words are fine, but we could be more concise. I would propose

For on-scale It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have the attribute units_metadata="temperature: on-scale", meaning that the temperature is relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units, because it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference in order to convert the units correctly.

For difference It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have the attribute units_metadata="temperature: difference", meaning that it refers to temperature differences and implying that the origin of the temperature scale is irrelevant, because it is essential to know whether a temperature is on-scale or a difference in order to convert the units correctly.

For "either" It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have a units_metadata attribute, with one of the values "on-scale" or "difference", whichever is appropriate for the data, because it is essential to know whether the temperature is on-scale (meaning relative to the origin of the scale indicated by the units) or refers to temperature differences (implying that the origin of the temperature scale is irrevelant), in order to convert the units correctly.

Is that clear and sufficient, do you think - and others, such as @larsbarring?

Best wishes


larsbarring commented 7 months ago

@efisher008 and @JonathanGregory many thanks! I think the text suggested is clear and informative. But I wonder if it would be good to include a link to section 3.2.1 of the Conventions document. In particular for the case of "either" this would be helpful, because in this case the text (above) does not provide a definitive answer, but it is a small addition that would fit in the text for all three alternatives. E.g. something like:

" It is strongly recommended that a variable with this standard name should have the attribute units_metadata="temperature: ........." (cf. CF conventions section 3.2.1), ...... " Note that there are small variations to this text in the three alternatives.

efisher008 commented 7 months ago

Hi @larsbarring and @JonathanGregory,

Thanks again for the comments, the more concise definitions seem sensible. Lars, I'm not sure if there is a precedent for including links to the CF conventions document in a standard name definition (the only example I can think of where there is an external link in a name is for area_type, which directs to the area type table and needs to be inserted by a 'make' command when pushing changes to the standard name table). Is this common? Perhaps @japamment could help answer this.

Best wishes, Ellie

larsbarring commented 7 months ago

Hi @efisher008 , You are right, while there are many web links in the descriptions none points to the conventions text. I think that it would be helpful to provide this link, in particular as we are introducing a new concept. On the other hand, the actual link is rather awkward to put in the text.

sethmcg commented 7 months ago

We could use a link shortener. is free and allows customization, so the link could be something like

JonathanGregory commented 7 months ago

Dear all

I favour I think that citing the working version (rather than 1.11) and the URL (rather than giving the section number) are preferable because they are more future-proof. I agree that a tinyurl would be a neat way to make it shorter, but it's also less transparent. If it's important to have a shorter URL, we could create a special page copying the relevant part of the convention e.g. at, but that would require maintenance.

Best wishes


larsbarring commented 7 months ago

Yes, indeed, this link is much better. While it is a bit long I think that it is acceptable, and only marginally longer that the currently longest one, which I believe is ""

efisher008 commented 6 months ago

Hello @JonathanGregory,

I agree with your conclusion and it sounds as though there is an agreement about the link format ( I will update the descriptions of each name with the concise definitions for each value and add the link at the end.

Best wishes, Ellie

JonathanGregory commented 6 months ago

Thanks, Ellie.

efisher008 commented 6 months ago

Hi @JonathanGregory,

I've made the changes to the description of these names, and following advice from @japamment I am now adding proposal information in the CF editor (where I can find this) from the original issues. Once the information has been updated the names will be accepted with their term changes. Thanks again.

Best wishes, Ellie

efisher008 commented 5 months ago

Hi @JonathanGregory and @larsbarring ,

I have added the proposal details to all names in this issue and have now accepted 123 of the 124 names included (the exception is freezing_temperature_of_sea_water, which is missing a description of the term and I think this should be agreed before it is accepted). Thank you for yours and Lars' detailed work on advising the units_metadata attribute and associated text for the description.

Best, Ellie

efisher008 commented 3 months ago

Closing this issue as these names have been accepted in version 85 of the CF standard names table, published on 21 May 2024 (