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Can't make blinky work on Mojo v3. #5

Closed gbin closed 8 years ago

gbin commented 8 years ago

I am very new to the FPGA world so I might have done something stupid :)

My source file is:

from myhdl import always, always_comb, always_seq, Signal, ResetSignal, toVerilog, toVHDL, delay, traceSignals, Simulation, now, intbv, concat

from pprint import pprint
import as build
from import get_board

def blinky(led, clock, reset=None):
  assert len(led) >= 2

  nled = len(led)
  maxcnt = int(clock.frequency)
  cnt = Signal(intbv(0,min=0,max=maxcnt))
  toggle = Signal(bool(0))

  @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
  def rtl():
    if cnt == maxcnt-1: = 0 = not toggle
    else: = cnt + 1

  def rtl_assign():[0] = toggle[1] = not toggle
    for ii in range(2, nled):[ii] = 0

  if reset is None:
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0, async=False)

    def rtl_reset(): = not
    g = (rtl, rtl_assign, rtl_reset,)
    g = (rtl, rtl_assign,)

  return g

def run_mojo():
  brd = get_board('mojo')
  flow = brd.get_flow(top=blinky)
  info = flow.get_utilization()

if __name__ == '__main__':

my build file:

. /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/
promgen -u 0 xilinx/mojov3.bit -b -p bin -w

Note: I have tried to generate directly the .bin too by adding the line to the tcl script in self.tcl_script += 'project set "Create Binary Configuration File" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"\n'

Then I run mojov3.bin with mojo-loader but nothing happens, the DONE led is not even light up as it does when I load a correct .bin.

cfelton commented 8 years ago

@gbin there is probably a default value in the bitfile generation that is incorrect for the Mojo. I don't have a Mojo board, someone else contributed the board definition. I can try and investigate in the next couple days and/or track down the original contributor and see if there is something missing.

As a debug option, you can try and open the generated project file (.xise) with ISE, run the flow, verify it still fails. Then try and modify the bit generation settings (probably a pull-up (or not) on done or something) and see if it works.

gbin commented 8 years ago

So if I open the file verbatim with ISE, compile it by clicking click on "Generate Programming File", take the resulting bin and mojo-loading the bin, it works !

gbin commented 8 years ago

The problem is in the tcl script, adding self.tcl_script += 'project set "Create Binary Configuration File" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"\n' and removing self.tcl_script += "project set \"FPGA Start-Up Clock\" \"JTAG Clock\" -process \"Generate Programming File\" \n"

Makes the bin file directly loadable with mojo-loader.

cfelton commented 8 years ago

@gbin, I added a simple flag to disable the jtag start-up clock. This should be fixed and work in the base. I will keep this open until verified on hardware.

cfelton commented 8 years ago

@gbin, I believe this has been fixed but I don't have the hardware to verify. I am going to close this let me know if it is a problem in the future.