cfenollosa / bashblog

A single Bash script to create blogs. Download, run, write, done!
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GDPR #152

Closed Unip0rn closed 5 years ago

Unip0rn commented 6 years ago

currently e.g. analytics and twitter stuff is being loaded without prior consent of the visitor. If noone is faster I will write a piece of JS that will insert these parts on consent. This might unfortunatly break compability.

Unip0rn commented 6 years ago

Also I had been thinking about autogenerating some privacy policy but I guess that fails since you can't know what $global_analytics will do and therefor the effort would bring more complexity to the issue than it would help.

aggsol commented 6 years ago

That won't work as local laws would require different standards on privacy statements, disclaimers, imprints etc. Those should be treated as static files and written by the user itself. Also the JS loaded from elsewhere should handle that. IMO that is out of scope for bashblog.

Unip0rn commented 6 years ago

The part about different standards is a quite good argument. But I think no matter if it is in the scope - it becomes the responsibility of the one using bashblog and therefor there should be features to suppert this.

Unip0rn commented 5 years ago

I just realized this should rather be an issue with any script that gets included than of bashblog. Also this seems to be more or less your point? However since I as the initial reporter will close since there was noone else backing it.