cfiandra / timeline

TikZ timeline library
69 stars 21 forks source link

Publish on CTAN or integration into TikZ #5

Open stephanlukasczyk opened 8 months ago

stephanlukasczyk commented 8 months ago

Thank you for this nice library. I wanted to ask, whether you have any plans to publish this library to CTAN as a small package or integrate it to TikZ?

cfiandra commented 8 months ago

Hi Stephan,

I had a plan some years ago for a CTAN package. Would you like to help on this regard?

stephanlukasczyk commented 8 months ago

Probably, yes. However, I am not sure whether I would be able to write up a documentation for users. Packaging and uploading it to CTAN is something I am more familiar with than with the functionalities of your timeline package :wink: