cfilipov / TextTable

Swift package for easily rendering text tables. Inspired by the Python tabulate library.
MIT License
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Cocoapods support #3

Open sobri909 opened 7 years ago

sobri909 commented 7 years ago

I've been keeping an eye on this repo for ages, because it's a nice fit for some console debug output I need for histograms. Today was the day I decided to put it in action, then I realised there's no pod.

I'm reading up on Swift's packager manager now, but it's so far not as straight forward (from my perspective) as Cocoapods, so it's a hindrance. Being able to just add another line to my Podfile would be a plus.

That aside, loving the design of this lib!

cfilipov commented 7 years ago

Thank you @sobri909 for the kind remarks. I hadn't considered CocoaPods because I typically just use submodules when I include dependencies though I am aware that many (possibly most?) people prefer pods. I'll look into adding a podspec for this (also open to pull requests if you've done it already).

sobri909 commented 7 years ago

I had used submodules for a bunch of projects before CocoaPods became popular. But they became increasingly troublesome in terms of making sure the submodules were updated, in the correct state for specific releases, for each team member, etc, and CocoaPods ended up solving all those problems (eventually - it's quite solid these days but it hasn't always been).

If I get a chance this week I'll do a pull request with a podspec :)