cfjedimaster / Cordova-Examples

A collection of Cordova/Ionic/etc demos.
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how can i run ionicslidebox2 in examples? #31

Open wzhua opened 7 years ago

wzhua commented 7 years ago

for example, i copy geoalert/www to cordova/www, then cmd 'cordova build', but ionicslidebox2 is different, help,i am new study, thank you.

cfjedimaster commented 7 years ago

That code for Ionic V2 apps should go in the src folder. I don't always label the folders as V1 vs V2 - sorry for that.

amrayoub commented 7 years ago

@cfjedimaster thanks a lot for your effort , i really mean it . it would be great also if you can rename V2 for ionic 2

amrayoub commented 7 years ago

and add more or convert those great example to typescript and ionic 2. :)

cfjedimaster commented 7 years ago

Sometimes v2 isn't Ionic2, it's just the second version. Generally, I expect people to come here via the relevant blog posts. :)