cfjedimaster / Cordova-Examples

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Write to file: Not able to write like logs #39

Open pasupuletisrinath opened 5 years ago

pasupuletisrinath commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to write logs to file by using your code said in this link

I'm desperately searching for a log to file in cordova even tried searching for ans in stackoverflow

cfjedimaster commented 5 years ago

You didn't say what went wrong. You need to provide more information about what you tried and what you saw. Was there an error?

pasupuletisrinath commented 5 years ago

logOb is re-initialising every time when I load. So, file is getting over ride if i try to log like below mentioned way."hello world"); logger.debug("hello world"); logger.error("hello world");

Only of the line is writing to log file instead of three lines.

cfjedimaster commented 5 years ago

Ok, well I'd accept a PR to correct it. I'm not really working on this code much anymore.