cfjedimaster / Cordova-Examples

A collection of Cordova/Ionic/etc demos.
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Sound playing some of the time #9

Closed auch188 closed 9 years ago

auch188 commented 9 years ago

I am trying to build a circuit training app and found your code to be useful.

I tried the code for playing audio files you posted and it works however when I tried to play a sound through with a timeout function it works only after a certain point in time. After that no sound is played.

This is my code below;


var beep = "sounds/Japanese Temple Bell.mp3"; var tone = "sounds/tone.mp3"; var time = 0, Ex_time = 0, Rest_time = 0, Sets_time = 0; var RepeatsDisplay = 0, SetsDisplay = 0; var num = 0; var Exercise_Interval= 0, Rest_Interval= 0, Sets_Interval= 0; var Sets = 0, Repeats = 0; var interval = 0, global_Interval = -1, Global = -1; var state = -1; var context = 0; var seconds = -1, minutes = -1, global_seconds = -1, global_minutes = -1, display_mins = 0, display_secs = 0; g = 0, t = 0;

//functions used to play sounds function playMP3(sound) { var mp3URL = getMediaURL(sound); var media = new Media(mp3URL, null, mediaError);; }

function getMediaURL(s) { if(device.platform.toLowerCase() === "android") return "/android_asset/www/" + s; return s; }

function mediaError(e) { alert('Media Error'); alert(JSON.stringify(e)); }

//functions that show user inputs function toggleRow(id) { var row = document.getElementById(id) ;
if ( == 'none') { = 'inline'; } else { = 'none'; } } function toggleData(table,id) { var table = document.getElementById(table); for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) { if (row.className == id) { for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {

                if ( == '') {
           = 'inline';
                    else {
       = '';


//Function that validates inputs function minmax(value, min, max) { if(parseInt(value) < min || isNaN(value)) return min; else if(parseInt(value) > max) return max; else return value; }

//functions that show user inputs in the sets table function getElementsByClassName(node,classname) { if (node.getElementsByClassName) { // use native implementation if available return node.getElementsByClassName(classname); } else { return (function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node) { if ( node == null ) node = document; var classElements = [], els = node.getElementsByTagName("*"), elsLen = els.length, pattern = new RegExp("(^|\s)"+searchClass+"(\s|$)"), i, j;

    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
      if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
          classElements[j] = els[i];
    return classElements;
})(classname, node);

} }

function toggleRowByClassName(Table, ClassName) { var table = getElementsByClassName(document, Table); //var elements = getElementsByClassName(document, ClassName), n = table.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var e = table[i]; if (e.className == ClassName) { if( == 'none') { = 'inline'; } else { = 'none'; } } } }

//function counts the exercise and rest time function countdown() { if (interval == 0 && seconds == 0 && minutes ==0) { state++; playMP3(beep); interval = 0, seconds = -1, minutes = -1; if (state % 2 == 0) { Repeats-- document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; } start(); if (parseInt(Repeats) == 0) { clearTimeout(t); clearTimeout(g); } } t = setTimeout(function() {startclock(time, context)}, 1000);

function countzero() { if (interval == 0 && seconds == 0 && minutes ==0) { state++; interval = 0, seconds = -1, minutes = -1; if (state % 2 == 0) { Repeats-- document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; } start(); if (parseInt(Repeats) == 0) { clearTimeout(t); clearTimeout(g); } } }

function startclock(time, context) { if (parseInt(Repeats) == 0) { return 0; } if (interval == 0) { context = context minutes = Math.floor(time / 60); seconds = time - Math.round(minutes * 60); interval = parseInt(time); } if (seconds == 0 && minutes > 0) { minutes-- seconds = 60; } if (seconds > 1 && seconds < 5) { playMP3(tone); } seconds--; interval--; context.textContent = (minutes ? (minutes > 9 ? minutes : "0" + minutes) : "00") + ":" + (seconds > 9 ? seconds : "0" + seconds); if (seconds ==0 && minutes == 0) { context.textContent = getTimeDisplay(time); } countdown(); }

//function that decreases global timer

function Globalcountdown() { if (global_Interval == 0) { global_Interval = -1 } g = setTimeout(function() {startglobalclock(global_Interval)}, 1000);

function startglobalclock(startglobalInterval) { if (Global < 0 && startglobalInterval > 0) { global_minutes = Math.floor(global_Interval / 60); global_seconds = global_Interval - Math.round(global_minutes * 60); Global = global_Interval } if (global_seconds == 0 && global_minutes > 0) { global_minutes-- global_seconds = 60; } global_seconds--; Global--; Global_time.textContent = (global_minutes ? (global_minutes > 9 ? global_minutes : "0" + global_minutes) : "00") + ":" + (global_seconds > 9 ? global_seconds : "0" + global_seconds); Globalcountdown();

function getTimeDisplay(time) { display_mins = Math.floor(time / 60); display_secs = time - Math.round(display_mins * 60); var result = (display_mins < 10 ? "0" + display_mins : display_mins) + ":" + (display_secs < 10 ? "0" + display_secs : display_secs); display_mins = 0, display_secs = -1; return result; }

//Set the variables function setvar() { Sets = document.getElementById('Sets').value; Repeats = document.getElementById('Repeats').value; Exercise_Interval = document.getElementById('Exercise_Interval').value; Rest_Interval = document.getElementById('Rest_Interval').value; Sets_Interval = document.getElementById('Sets_Interval').value; Global_time = document.getElementById('Global_time'); Ex_time = document.getElementById('Ex_time'); Rest_time = document.getElementById('Rest_time'); Sets_time = document.getElementById('Sets_time'); RepeatsDisplay = document.getElementById('Repeats_Display'); SetsDisplay = document.getElementById('Sets_Display'); interval = 0, minutes = -1, seconds = -1; }

function start() { if (state == -2) { clearTimeout(t); t = 0, s = 0; Repeats = document.getElementById('Repeats').value; global_Interval = (parseInt(Exercise_Interval) + parseInt(Rest_Interval)) * parseInt(Repeats) Global_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(global_Interval); Ex_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Exercise_Interval); Rest_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Rest_Interval); Sets_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Sets_Interval); document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; state = 0; playMP3(beep); Globalcountdown(); } if (state == -1) { setvar(); global_Interval = (parseInt(Exercise_Interval) + parseInt(Rest_Interval)) * parseInt(Repeats) Global_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(global_Interval); Ex_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Exercise_Interval); Rest_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Rest_Interval); Sets_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Sets_Interval); document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; document.getElementById('Sets_Display').textContent = Sets + "x"; state = 0; playMP3(beep); Globalcountdown(); countdown(); } if (state % 2 == 0) { time = parseInt(Exercise_Interval); context = Ex_time; } else { time = parseInt(Rest_Interval); context = Rest_time; if (time == 0) { minutes = 0, seconds = 0; countzero(); } } if (parseInt(Repeats) == 0) { clearTimeout(t); clearTimeout(g); interval = 0, minutes = -1, seconds = -1, state = -3; Global = -1, global_minutes =-1, global_seconds = -1; if (parseInt(Sets) > 1) { state = -3; clearTimeout(t); clearTimeout(g); Repeats = document.getElementById('Repeats').value; document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; Sets-- document.getElementById('Sets_Display').textContent = Sets + "x"; time = parseInt(Sets_Interval); context = Sets_time; } else { stop(); } }

} //clear interval and clear timeout function stop() { setvar(); global_Interval = (parseInt(Exercise_Interval) + parseInt(Rest_Interval)) * parseInt(Repeats); Global_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(global_Interval); Ex_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Exercise_Interval); Rest_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Rest_Interval); Sets_time.textContent = getTimeDisplay(Sets_Interval); document.getElementById('Repeats_Display').textContent = Repeats + "x"; document.getElementById('Sets_Display').textContent = Sets + "x"; clearTimeout(t); clearTimeout(g); Repeats = 0, Sets = 0; interval = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0, state = -1; Global = -1, global_minutes =-1, global_seconds = -1; }

//function for start button document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);

function onDeviceReady() { document.querySelector("#start").addEventListener("touchend", start, false); document.querySelector("#stop").addEventListener("touchend", stop, false); };


<!DOCTYPE html>

``` ``` ```


Interval (in sec):
Interval (in sec):
Number of Repeats:
Number of Sets: Interval (in sec):

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

@auch188 - this is not a general support forum. Your question is not about my code but your own. I'd like to help, but this isn't really the appropriate place. You can email me, or post your question to StackOverflow.