cforlando / 2016-project-proposals

June 4th @ Canvs 101 S. Garland Ave, Orlando Fl, 32801
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Historic Photo Tool #4

Open akozlik opened 8 years ago

akozlik commented 8 years ago

Short description of the idea (140 character tweet):

A website where users can review historic photos of Orlando and the surrounding area.

What is your project concept or idea? What challenge or opportunity will it solve?

There is a dedicated community of people interested in preserving Orlando's history. This website would allow users to upload photos to be included in a historic photo gallery. They could optionally be geotagged so users can view a map and see historic photos taken in their general area. If the general public were allowed to upload images we would need a moderation tool to allow admins to approve photos.

Uploaded photos could include the following information:

Anybody interested in the history of Orlando would benefit from this project. Potential users could include students doing research papers or citizens who have an interest in our local history.

Issue area(s) relevant to your project idea:

This is all still very high level. We don't even have a PRD yet. This is a good opportunity for someone to get involved with a project from the ground up and truly take ownership.

Tell us about yourself.

What is your background? Why is this challenge important to you?

Are you representing a group in submitting this project idea?

Co-captain of Code for Orlando. Grew up in Orlando and want to find an efficient way to catalog our historic photos.