cforlando / 2016-project-proposals

June 4th @ Canvs 101 S. Garland Ave, Orlando Fl, 32801
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Can I Recycle That? (name still pending) app/mobile site #9

Open WERUreo opened 8 years ago

WERUreo commented 8 years ago

Short description of the idea (140 character tweet):

A mobile friendly app or mobile site one could use to check if items can be recycled

What is your project concept or idea? What challenge or opportunity will it solve?

This app/mobile site would at its heart allow users to look up common household items and check to see if they can be recycled locally, or, if not, how to properly dispose of them. We would include helpful information like contact info for household hazardous waste collection sites, as an example. This could turn into a fun educational app as well, with things like quizzes, easter eggs, and other fun user interactions.

Who will benefit from your project? Describe the humans at the center of the problem - who are they?

How would they benefit? Can you tell their story?

Do you have photos of them? Or quotes?

Everyone would benefit from this project. It is a way to keep citizens informed about ways to keep our environment clean.

Issue area(s) relevant to your project idea:

This is currently just an idea. A lot more planning would need to be done to firm up the concept and begin prototyping.

Tell us about yourself.

What is your background? Why is this challenge important to you?

Are you representing a group in submitting this project idea?

I am an iOS developer representing Code for Orlando. This project idea came from City of Orlando employees looking to help improve the City.