cfoster / saxon-jing

Extension Functions allowing Saxon to validate documents against RelaxNG Schemas
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Errors in oXygen v. 22 #6

Open Arithmeticus opened 4 years ago

Arithmeticus commented 4 years ago

In oXygen version 22, an error is thrown on an XSLT stylesheet that is configured to a transformation scenario that invokes Saxon-Jing: net.sf.saxon.Configuration.getProcessor()Ljava/lang/Object;

The error happens specifically when setting the Initializer to the class: net.cfoster.saxonjing.Jinginitializer

oXygen version 21 is fine, and has as default Saxon HE/PE/EE oXygen version 22 is running Saxon

Seems like something in Saxon 9.9 doesn't square with saxon-jing.

Arithmeticus commented 3 years ago

@cfoster Just in case this issue is being monitored, here is a sample trace message for the error reported above:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.sf.saxon.Configuration.getProcessor()Ljava/lang/Object;
        at net.cfoster.saxonjing.JingInitializer.initialize(
        at net.sf.saxon.trans.CommandLineOptions.applyToConfiguration(
        at net.sf.saxon.Transform.doTransform(
        at net.sf.saxon.Transform.main(

It seems related to changes in Saxon 9.9 forward

The class Serializer is no longer available as a free standing class, it must be created using the Processor class. The return type of the method Serializer.GetOutputDestination() has been changed to object. This class has a number of serialization parameters available for use by the Serializer. The BaseUri property allows the setting and getting of the base Uri for the Serializer