Closed natalia-fitzgerald closed 2 months ago
Option 1:
In order to begin using the filing platform you must have a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for your financial institution. Visit the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) website for more information on how to obtain an LEI.
Option 2:
In order to complete your user profile and access the filing platform your financial institution must have a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Visit the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) website for more information on how to obtain an LEI.
@cdorney25 @chynnakeys @kristenshaw4
@chynnakeys @cdorney25 I think the next step on this issue is for the content options to be reviewed for the next steps to take when financial institution does not yet have an LEI.
I prefer option 2 b/c it is more complete verbiage
@chynnakeys @cdorney25 Can you review the content for this on the mock-ups shown here:
Is this Story complete? "As a filer whose institution is not already known to the CFPB, I want information on how to register my financial institution with GLEIF, so that I can create an account associated with that financial institution."
User story
As a filer whose institution is not already known to the CFPB, I want information on how to register my financial institution with GLEIF, so that I can create an account associated with that financial institution.
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Depends on
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