cfrg / draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque

The OPAQUE Asymmetric PAKE Protocol
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Distributing the server #389

Closed mitar closed 1 year ago

mitar commented 1 year ago

In 10.11 Password Salt and Storage Implications it says:

OPAQUE enables defense against such offline dictionary attacks by distributing the server so that an offline attack is only possible if all - or a minimal number of - servers are compromised [JKX18].

My understanding is that the OPAQUE in the paper describes how one could distribute the server, but this spec itself does not mention this anywhere? (Or have I missed it.) Probably using a threshold OPRF? I think it would be beneficial to the spec if this would be more fleshed out somewhere. Or made into one of showcased features of OPAQUE. I think this is a cool feature but currently one finds hidden inside one set of parenthesis.

stef commented 1 year ago

afaik, there is no cfrg/irtf specification for t-oprf, and much less implementations, the only one i am aware of is mine at . anyway the paper and the spec here deviate in a couple of points, so t-opaque is one of those really. on the other hand it is possible to implement t-oprf in a way, that a proxy hides the threshold setup from the client, and thus could enable a threshold opaque without any changes to the spec itself.

mitar commented 1 year ago

My main issue here is that the paragraph is confusing because OPAQUE here is about the one from the paper. Maybe the solution could be to write something like:

OPAQUE [JKX18] enables defense against such offline dictionary attacks by distributing the server so that an offline attack is only possible if all - or a minimal number of - servers are compromised. This is out of the scope of this spec.

bytemare commented 1 year ago

This suggestion sounds reasonable to me. @chris-wood @kevinlewi what do you think?

kevinlewi commented 1 year ago

Good point, I think it would be a good idea to clarify that threshold OPAQUE is out of scope for this spec, since as @mitar mentioned, it is described in the paper. Thanks for bringing this up!

stef commented 1 year ago

i think it is very much possible to implement a threshold opaque without violating the spec.

hugokraw commented 1 year ago

I suggest to keep this "informational-only" remark. Note that the remark touches on an implementation of the server, not a change to OPAQUE. Namely, this mention the possibility of implementing the server's OPRF in a distributed manner. This is a strong defense against essentially the only inherent remaining weakness of a "strong aPAKE", namely, offline dictionary attacks upon server compromise. By distributing the OPRF, you need t+1 parties to be compromised and only then you can start running the offline attack. Actually, with the 2HashDH implementation you get that even if you break into all n servers, you still need an full offline dictionary attack against the password. In short: I propose to keep the remark on a distributed implementation, possibly mentioning a distributed OPRF rather than just "distributing the server", and definitely adding the sentence that this is out-of-scope for this specification.

chris-wood commented 1 year ago

By distributing the OPRF, you need t+1 parties to be compromised and only then you can start running the offline attack.

I don't agree with this assessment. With a server-side threshold OPRF, it's true that the OPRF computation is split across n different servers, but there is still one entity which combines t of them to compute the OPRF value. The threat model doesn't change here: just compromise the entity that combines these values together.

Fundamentally, if the motivation to use a threshold OPRF is to distribute trust in the server away from a single entity, then a server-only threshold OPRF implementation doesn't solve that problem.

EDIT: Ah, wait! You said offline attack, which, yes, I would agree with. I don't think this helps with the online attack though.

stef commented 1 year ago

since the value is blinded, the combining/proxy oprf evaluate function does not learn anything about either the secret of the client, nor of the distributed oprf key. and the combining/proxy oprf evaluate function needs to query the distributed oprf shares for every bruteforce attempt, thus eliminating server offline bruteforce attacks, and thus making them online.

chris-wood commented 1 year ago

Right, I misunderstood the original comment and agree that a server-only threshold implementation forces attacks to either be online or for an attacker to compromise t different key shares.

stef commented 1 year ago

glad that this has been cleared up! <3

bytemare commented 1 year ago

Hello @hugokraw, I took some of your words in your comment to brew a paragraph mentioning TOPPSS, here:

May I ask you to take a look and tell me what you think?