cfrg / draft-irtf-cfrg-vdaf

VDAF specification
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Specify fields for poplar1 (was "Specify fields for prio3 and poplar1") #22

Closed cjpatton closed 2 years ago

cjpatton commented 2 years ago

At this point we have fairly clear criteria for choosing fields for Prio. Namely, the prime modulus p should be of the form 2^k * q + 1, where k is large enough to support proof sizes we're interested in. The fact that the multiplicative group has a subgroup of order 2^k is exploited for fast polynomial interpolation. k should also be chosen to align with the word size of the machine, e.g., 32 or 64 so that fast arithmetic can be generated for it (cc/ @armfazh).

The requirements are different for Poplar, though any field we choose for Prio ought to be suitable for Poplar as well. The main difference I see is that we'll need a much larger field for the leaves of the IPDF tree than we need for the inner nodes. I wonder if the leaves could use GF(2^255 - 19), since there are already fast, heavily vetted implementation of this field (namely for X25519 and ed25519)? @schoppmp do you have any other thoughts here?

cjpatton commented 2 years ago

As far as how big the primes ought to be, I think we ought to aim for a soundness error of around 1/2^64 for any VDAF. Higher security levels can be targeted as desired.

For prio3, we should have:

For poplar1 we might reuse these fields, or pick new ones if the fields we pick for prio3 aren't suitable. We will also need:

cjpatton commented 2 years ago

The document now specifies a 64-bit and a 128-bit field suitable for prio3.