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Hyunku Kwon, hw submission #26

Closed HyunkuKwon closed 6 years ago

HyunkuKwon commented 6 years ago

Actually, I almost had a mental breakdown in the process of familiarizing myself with GitHub. I forked the class repository. Then, I opened R Studio, clicked new project, version control, git, and entered the url of my repo. I opened the, which led to Rmarkdown page. I made adjustments in the Rmarkdown page.

As I had no idea of the modus operandi of how to pull/push or commit, I had a really, really frustrating time. I tried to pull/push without committing, or to commit without saving the changes, both of which led to undecipherable messages including "non-fast-forwarding" whatever. I was really frustrated because I did not know what to do with this. Finally, I realized that I should save the changes first, and click the README button whenever I want to commit, and press the commit before I hit the push button. Unfortunately, I still cannot understand a lot. I have a long-long way to go for now. I found Stackoverflow helpful, but the posts in the website also came across so hard to understand for now. I googled some of the problems, but as I know nothing about Github, most of the advice were hard to understand, I just clicked whatever I can, the random and arbitrary process of which finally led me to the right (?) direction. Trial and error helps, but it takes so long...

DH1460 commented 6 years ago

Evaluation HW-xx for Jane Doe

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style
Coding strategy
Achievement, creativity
Ease of access

Well done! You covered 4 out of 5 elements, including list, image, headline, and bold and italic. I like how you list your research interests. The list element, 1., 2, and 3, in the project works very well. One thing I would add is that how you came cross to study political sciences! Overall, very well done!

sushmitavgopalan16 commented 6 years ago

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style x
Coding strategy x
Presentation x
Achievement, creativity x
Ease of access x
