cfss-old / fa17_hw01

Repository for homework 1
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Sarah Mixon #8

Closed smixon closed 6 years ago

smixon commented 6 years ago

I appreciate the first homework being relatively simple and an accessible introduction to R and GitHub. I've never used either of these programs so my main challenge was figuring out how to commit and push my work. A lot of my time was spent reading the Git intro book which is on GitHub, I think, and reading//practicing the tips on the class website. But, actually, Sushmita walked me through how to navigate the terminal and now I feel like a pro.

I'm starting to feel more comfortable in R and I like that the language seems more intuitive than other programs like STATA.

jingkunw commented 6 years ago

The work is well-done. He/she includes different levels of headings, lists and images that what we are required to include in our file. However, I think he/she missed the "link" element. If you could include this, that would be much better. Overall, this file has the well-written code and nice structure.

cernhofer commented 6 years ago

Evaluation HW-01 for smixon

Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style x
Coding strategy x
Presentation x
Achievement, creativity x
Ease of access x


sushmitavgopalan16 commented 6 years ago

Hi Sarah! When I recommended using stringr to remove "name" from named and namem today - I didn't realize the instructions were to only use tidyverse functions. This can be achieved with one of gather, separate, unite and spread! Good luck figuring it out!