cfss-old / fa18_hw01

Repository for homework 01
0 stars 45 forks source link

Stroh: hm01 -> Bio #24

Closed eggst closed 6 years ago

eggst commented 6 years ago

I ended up uninstalling all of the software on my computer and re-installing everything while triple checking the guides on the course website in order to ensure my programs not only were set up correctly but could find each other. I noticed that sometimes one little overlook can bring the whole system to a stand still. Overall Rmarkdown was quite simple, the most difficult aspect being adding images. Images added from a file often said the image was not able to be found but if you revert a photo file into a url, it can become incredibly long very quickly. I opted for an easier and more common place image but am curious on how images combine with R, especially as they were rendered as urls and only visible when the file was converted.

After reviewing how to push the file to Github and confirming that all my commits were there I found the main branch which I had forked the original repo from. I wasn't sure how to submit the final piece and noticed that you can view other students pull requests from the tab. Reviewing my peers' work was really helpful in clarifying and answering any questions I had left about the introduction to GitHub and RStudio. I opened a pull request, selected 'compare across forks' as the only option that allowed me to access the file through my profile, and submitted the request.

SarahWasik commented 6 years ago


Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style x
Coding strategy x
Presentation x
Achievement, creativity x
Ease of access x

Remarks: Hi Emily! I'm assuming that you did not intend to have "## Introduction" in your doc, so maybe running more previews and double checking would be helpful in the future. I'm also not sure why you had four files, potentially just including the relevant assignment would make it clearer which file is the most important. I also had a difficult time uploading pictures, but you seemed to have figured it out. Additionally, your bio was clearly formatted and contained many of the relevant components for the assignment. Great job :) -- Sarah W