cfss-sp20 / hw01

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hw01 - Lauren Park #48

Closed ljpark closed 4 years ago

ljpark commented 4 years ago

For this first homework assignment, I wrote a brief introduction about myself using RMarkdown to insert various stylistic effects, a link, and an image. Firstly, I had to fork the homework assignment. It was stored in the repository,, so I had to create my own personal copy of the assignment and could make changes to the repository. I then had to clone and make a local copy so I could open up the repository in RStudio and make the changes I desire. In order to get these changes successfully into the, I had to save my file after each edit. After this, I clicked on the "Git" tab on the right side of the server. Once clicked, I pressed the "commit" button in order to stage and commit the file. This was important because I had to make modifications of multiple files during my homework process, so I want them all grouped together. In the commit message field before choosing the, I added a little message of what I was committing. When I finished the commit step, I had to "push" these committed changes back into GitHub since they were not visible in the yet. I had to click the small green arrow in the same section as the commit button. This button pushed the changes into GitHub. My final step to confirm that my changes were made, I went back to GitHub and refreshed my page.

I found the workflow of GitHub to be initially daunting because of all the steps and things to remember to do. It took me a few tries in the beginning, where I found myself frustrated as I would go back to the GitHub and not see any changes in the repository. However, after a lot of trial and error, I got the swing of it. Once I figured out the steps, I was able to focus on the actual assignment which was way more enjoyable. It was a very fun and rewarding experience to see the changes I made in RStudio become visible when I clicked the refresh button on my GitHub page. The video tutorial on the course website about the Homework Work Flow was extremely helpful with getting me acquainted and used to the assignment. I would not have been able to do this project without this video. Additionally, the instruction manual to Markdown (linked on the HW01 page) was very helpful as well. I was able to learn the commands that would allow me to stylize my introduction and add cool features. The hardest part of the assignment was being introduced to the Work Flow system and committing/pushing changes from RStudio into GitHub. Also, it was challenging to learn the commands for certain things like images, lists, bold/italicized text, and headers. The easiest part was repeating the steps once I got them down!

sarahcy1 commented 4 years ago

Hi Lauren,

Good job overall! I really like the way you formatting your biography; I like that you pointed out some fun facts and introduced an amazing food blog to everybody(love it :)). You also did a great job in inserting the photo.


Topic Excellent Satisfactory Needs Work
Coding style X
Coding strategy X
Presentation X
Achievement, creativity X
Reproducibility X

Cheers, Sara