cfss-sp20 / hw01

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hw01 - Sruti Kanthan #53

Closed skanthan95 closed 4 years ago

skanthan95 commented 4 years ago

The eighth commit is my final submission.

Getting changes into the README file wasn't too difficult overall - at first, I had some trouble pushing the assignment but then realized I was pushing to the wrong place, and I had some trouble getting the image to show up (turns out, it was in the wrong repo and I moved it to the right place and then it worked- also didn't realize I had to manually commit both the README file and the image for it to render right). The preview feature also turned out to be super helpful. I looked online for markdown resources on how to create headers and lists (like this site: I knew how to make headers (use hashtag(s) before starting the sentence) and bold ( around the words ) /italicize text since you can insert markdown chunks into Jupyter notebooks and I did this for my Python-based classes - though, I remember that it was tricky figuring out how spacing works, because some of the elements requested won't show up right if the spacing is off. I haven't worked with the Github workflow in the context of Markdown before, and I'm glad it's not too complicated - the assignment video explains everything very clearly, though I can imagine the terminology (e.g., "commit") being overwhelming for folks who haven't used it in other classes before. Overall, I think this assignment is a good starting point for getting comfortable using Markdown and understanding how Git works.