cfzd / Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-v2

Ultra Fast Deep Lane Detection With Hybrid Anchor Driven Ordinal Classification (TPAMI 2022)
MIT License
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关于使用自己的数据集进行训练的问题 #89

Open linklllllllll opened 1 year ago

linklllllllll commented 1 year ago

作者您好,首先非常感谢您的开源工作,我是使用culane数据集的格式进行训练,但是训练结束后在log_path中没有权重文件,且在训练过程中evaluating the results总是nearly no results,尝试了一些方法但仍然无果,故向您讨教,希望您能帮忙解答。 1.没有权重文件的情况具体是怎样才会产生的呢? 2.在evaluating过程中在log_path/culane_eval_tmp/test_image中产成的图像为空,请问这是为什么呢? 以下为训练过程中的部分显示; 100%|███████████| 20/20 [00:01<00:00, 11.24it/s, col_top1=0.003, col_top2=0.008, col_top3=0.009, ext_col=0.912, ext_row=0.825, loss=12.214, top1=0.007, top2=0.012, top3=0.021] 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 2.80it/s] ....... iou_threshold: 0.5 im_width: 1640 im_height: 590 x_factor: 1 y_factor: 1

Evaluating the results... tp: 0 fp: 0 fn: 0 no positive detection no ground truth positive finished process file precision: -1 recall: -1 Fmeasure: -1

res_normal -1.0 res_crowd -1.0 res_night -1.0 res_noline -1.0 res_shadow -1.0 res_arrow -1.0 res_hlight -1.0 res_curve -1.0 res_cross -1.0 nearly no results! nearly no results! 0 本人小白,训练模型仍是一知半解的状态,希望自己的疑惑能够得到解答

cfzd commented 1 year ago

@linklllllllll 你的学习率设置的太大了,导致网络根本没有收敛,所以测试结果为0。在保存模型时,我们会保存最好的那一个,因为结果为0,所以不会有模型被保存。可能需要减少学习率直至网络开始收敛。

Hymilex commented 1 year ago

@cfzd Hey,brother!I met the same problem.It seems like no effect after increasing lr to 0.0005.It makes me confused yet. image

cfzd commented 1 year ago

@Hymilex It seems the img width and img height are modified. Incorrect config would make the evaluation fail.

Hymilex commented 1 year ago

@cfzd my custom dataset width and height is 416. I have used original value and modified tried,but both got failed.

cfzd commented 1 year ago

@Hymilex You can have a very simple way to verify the problem. For both prediction and annotation, there are stored in many xxx.lines.txt files. The annotation is like something anno_dir/xxx/xxx.lines.txt, and the prediciton is something like detect_dir/xxx/xxx.lines.txt. You can directly read some corresponding predictions and annotations, draw them on a canvas using python, and show them to compare them visually.