Closed SoulmateB closed 4 years ago
@SoulmateB Hi, in general, the hyper-parameters for Res18 could also work for Res34. If you get bad results with Res34, it might be the single/multiple GPU training setting problem.
For CULane, try to use 4-GPU training with the provided config. For Tusimple, try to use single GPU training because Tusimple is a relatively small dataset and large batch size could harm the training.
As for trained Res34 models, we would release it in the future if we have enough spare GPU time.
Hi, I use the models you provided and get the same results. could you provide the Res-34 models or share the hyper-parameters when training the Res-34 models ? Because I trained the Res-34 but the results are bad. Thank you !