We tried changing the link in the syllabus last night for the Zoom to no avail.
Here is the link to the Thanksgiving week Zoom class. If you are on campus, I will be in the lab (my wi-fi at home is not playing nice). I will follow this up with an email to make sure everyone has it.
We tried changing the link in the syllabus last night for the Zoom to no avail.
Here is the link to the Thanksgiving week Zoom class. If you are on campus, I will be in the lab (my wi-fi at home is not playing nice). I will follow this up with an email to make sure everyone has it.
Topic: Advanced GIS Join Zoom Meeting https://cwm.zoom.us/j/94373856795?pwd=ZEVuNHFkOUN6VEJaY2R5VWFRSmNHdz09
Meeting ID: 943 7385 6795 Passcode: maps
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