cgag / loc

Count lines of code quickly.
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Performance issue with the redundancy load #147

Open yyzdtccjdtc opened 2 years ago

yyzdtccjdtc commented 2 years ago

According to my tests, the vector multis in this line of code has only one element in most cases. Calling the iter() function on a vector with only one element results in having a lot of redundant load operations. If we create a fast path for a vector with only one element, we can eliminate a lot of computation and memory operations, which in turn improves the performance of the program. Execution time decreased from 7.05s to 5.74s with my test input, which is a 22.8% speedup.

Here's the modified code for this count() function. (src/ 597-714)

` pub fn count(filepath: &str) -> Count { let lang = lang_from_ext(filepath); let (singles, multis) = counter_config_for_lang(lang);

let mfile = File::open(filepath);
let mut file = match mfile {
    Ok(file) => file,
    Err(_) => {
        return Count::default();
// TODO(cgag): set the size of this vec to size of the file + a byte? a reddit comment
// somewhere says fs::read will do this ofr you.
let mut bytes = vec![];
file.read_to_end(&mut bytes).expect("nani?!");

let mut c = Count::default();
let mut multi_stack: Vec<(&str, &str)> = vec![];

//***YYZ note: The fast path for vecotr with only one element
if multis.len() == 1 {
    let (start, end) = &multis[0];
    let start_len = start.len();
    let end_len   = end.len();
    'line: for byte_line in ByteLines(&bytes).lines() {
        let line = match std::str::from_utf8(byte_line) {
            Ok(s) => s,
            Err(_) => return Count::default(),
        c.lines += 1;

        let line = line.trim_start();
        if line.is_empty() {
            c.blank += 1;

        if multi_stack.is_empty() {
            for single_start in singles.iter() {
                if line.starts_with(single_start) {
                    if multis.iter().any(|(m_start, _)| line.starts_with(m_start)) {

                    c.comment += 1;
                    continue 'line;

            if multis.is_empty() {
                c.code += 1;
                continue 'line;

        if multi_stack.is_empty() && !multis.iter().any(|(start, end)| line.contains(start) || line.contains(end)) {
            c.code += 1;
            continue 'line;

        let mut pos = 0;
        let mut found_code = 0;
        let line_len = line.len();
        let contains_utf8 = (0..line_len).any(|i| !line.is_char_boundary(i));

        'outer: while pos < line_len {
                if contains_utf8 {
                    for i in pos..pos + min(max(start_len, end_len) + 1, line_len - pos) {
                        if !line.is_char_boundary(i) {
                            pos += 1;
                            continue 'outer;

                if pos + start_len <= line_len && &line[pos..pos + start_len] == *start {
                    pos += start_len;

                if !multi_stack.is_empty() {
                    let (_, mut end) = multi_stack.last().expect("stack last");
                    if pos+end.len() <= line_len && &line[pos..pos+end.len()] == end {
                        let _ = multi_stack.pop();
                        pos += end.len();
                } else if multi_stack.is_empty() && pos < line_len && !&line[pos..pos + 1].chars().next().expect("whitespace check").is_whitespace() {
                    found_code += 1;
            // }
            pos += 1;

        // TODO(cgag): can this ever be greater or was that just defensive coding
        if found_code >= multis.len() {
            c.code += 1;
        } else {
            c.comment += 1;
// ***YYZ note: Will run the original code if it has more than one element
    'line: for byte_line in ByteLines(&bytes).lines() {
        let line = match std::str::from_utf8(byte_line) {
            Ok(s) => s,
            // TODO(cgag): should we report when this happens?
            Err(_) => return Count::default(),
        c.lines += 1;

        let line = line.trim_start();
        // should blanks within a comment count as blank or comment? This counts them as blank.
        if line.is_empty() {
            c.blank += 1;

        // if we match a single line comment, count it and go onto next line
        // TODO(cgag): is the multiline comment start symbol ever the shorter one?
        // if multi_stack.is_empty, then we're not currently in a multiline comment
        if multi_stack.is_empty() {
            for single_start in singles.iter() {
                if line.starts_with(single_start) {
                    // if this single_start is a prefix of a multi_start,
                    // make sure that the line doesn't actually start with the multi_start
                    // TODO(cgag): donm't do this check here
                    // TODO(cgag): this assumption that the multi-line comment is always the longer one
                    //             may well be a terrible one
                    if multis.iter().any(|(m_start, _)| line.starts_with(m_start)) {

                    c.comment += 1;
                    continue 'line;

            if multis.is_empty() {
                c.code += 1;
                continue 'line;

        if multi_stack.is_empty() && !multis.iter().any(|(start, end)| line.contains(start) || line.contains(end)) {
            c.code += 1;
            continue 'line;

        let mut pos = 0;
        let mut found_code = 0;
        let line_len = line.len();
        let contains_utf8 = (0..line_len).any(|i| !line.is_char_boundary(i));

        'outer: while pos < line_len {
            for multi in multis.iter() {
                let (start, end) = multi;
                let start_len = start.len();
                let end_len   = end.len();

                // TODO(cgag): this is almost ceratinly giving us incorrect results.  Say the
                // first multi is the longest.  If we advance position because the final byte
                // position of that multi hits unicode, we might have skipped over a perfectly
                // valid comment start that was unaffected by the unicode.
                if contains_utf8 {
                    for i in pos..pos + min(max(start_len, end_len) + 1, line_len - pos) {
                        if !line.is_char_boundary(i) {
                            pos += 1;
                            continue 'outer;

                if pos + start_len <= line_len && &line[pos..pos + start_len] == *start {
                    pos += start_len;

                if !multi_stack.is_empty() {
                    let (_, mut end) = multi_stack.last().expect("stack last");
                    if pos+end.len() <= line_len && &line[pos..pos+end.len()] == end {
                        let _ = multi_stack.pop();
                        pos += end.len();
                } else if multi_stack.is_empty() && pos < line_len && !&line[pos..pos + 1].chars().next().expect("whitespace check").is_whitespace() {
                    found_code += 1;
            pos += 1;

        // TODO(cgag): can this ever be greater or was that just defensive coding
        if found_code >= multis.len() {
            c.code += 1;
        } else {
            c.comment += 1;


} `

yyzdtccjdtc commented 2 years ago

@cgag May I ask if this software is still being maintained?

cgag commented 2 years ago

Not really unfortunately, I very periodically merge stuff. I did want to comment and say this is clever though, the overhead of .iter() definitely never occurred to me.

pengfei-su commented 1 year ago

Hi @cgag

This is a good catch. I wonder what is blocking you to merge it.