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Incorrectly recognizing Prolog code as Perl #84

Open andrewnicolalde opened 6 years ago

andrewnicolalde commented 6 years ago

Working on a project in Prolog, which happens to share the same .pl file extension as Perl. Seems CLOC get's it.

boyter commented 5 years ago

@andrewnicolalde I don't suppose you could create a sample repository to replicate this?

andrewnicolalde commented 5 years ago

Let me see what I can do :)

andrewnicolalde commented 5 years ago

As the repository is coursework and I'm not allowed to make it public, could I just add you as a contributor to the repo?

boyter commented 5 years ago

@andrewnicolalde That would work for me.

boyter commented 5 years ago

So I had a look. The reason for this is that loc does not support multiple file extensions. However some tools such as scc (which I am the author of, polyglot and cloc do, but they also do not get this right.

$ loc
 Language             Files        Lines        Blank      Comment         Code
 Perl                     7          150           20            0          130
 Total                    7          150           20            0          130

$ scc
Language                 Files     Lines     Code  Comments   Blanks Complexity
Perl                         7       150      130         0       20          2
Total                        7       150      130         0       20          2
Estimated Cost to Develop $3,171
Estimated Schedule Effort 1.723298 months
Estimated People Required 0.217987

$ gocloc .
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Perl                             7             20              0            130
TOTAL                            7             20              0            130

$ ~/polyglot .
 Language             Files       Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Perl                     7         147          130            0           17
 Total                    7         147          130            0           17

       7 text files.
       7 unique files.
       0 files ignored. v 1.60  T=0.14 s (51.3 files/s, 1099.1 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Perl                             7             20              0            130
SUM:                             7             20              0            130

$ tokei
 Language                                                                                                                                                                 Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Perl                                                                                                                                                                         7          150          130            0           20
 Total                                                                                                                                                                        7          150          130            0           20

Most of the above assume that prolog files would have the extension p or pro. If you are able to supply a list of keywords that clearly identify a prolog file however I can add that into scc and I am use the polyglot author and cloc will do the same.