cgaspard / mantiskanban

Mantis Kanban that uses ajax and mantisconnect
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MantisKanban not showing among Available Plugins #44

Open ronlinet opened 8 years ago

ronlinet commented 8 years ago

I have cloned the project into my plugin directory but the when I browse the http://mysite/manage_plugin_page.php the Kanban is not there. I am using Mantis version 1.2.19 and other plugins shows up correctly Is there any specific procedure to get this work?

sadortun commented 8 years ago

Mantis Kanban that uses ajax and mantisconnect, Italie not a 'real' plugin

Just open the index.html file.

ronlinet commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your feedback @sadortun. Now when I point my browser to index.html I am rejected with error “wsdl is null”. There is certainly a configuration to be done, could you please point me to right direction?

cgaspard commented 8 years ago

Take a look at the readme. It covers most of what you need to setup.

ronlinet commented 8 years ago

Hi cgaspard, I went through the and the only values to change are : Mantis.ConnectURLand Mantis.ServerHostname

I have provided correct values for both variables and the initial kanban login screen is there. The issue occurs when i try to login I am getting an error about missing “wsdl”? Is there any additional configuration to be done?
screen shot 2015-10-30 at 10 34 30

cgaspard commented 8 years ago

You need to point to the php page that give you access to the mantis API.


You can also use this as a guide:

cgaspard commented 8 years ago

Normally /api/soap/mantisconnect.php is the path you want to add to the domain, but it really depends where you install mantisbt. Append that to the URL you installed mantis at.

ronlinet commented 8 years ago

@cgaspard thank you for explanation. I understood that part and I did provide the values as described above but it doesn't fix anything.

I think that this is not a configuration issue because the error is being thrown by this part of code : var retObj = Mantis.Login(document.getElementById("username").value, document.getElementById("password").value);
You can see the code in your git repos : .

It looks like the Mantis.Login doesn't do its job?

cgaspard commented 8 years ago

The login function you mention is having the error because its trying to communicate with the mantis API.

The error you mentioned: Now when I point my browser to index.html I am rejected with error “wsdl is null”.

Is specifically caused by the kanban libraries not able to find the wdsl file on your server. You should verify the PHP page and WSDL file inside /api/soap/mantisconnect.php and also /api/soap/mantisconnect.wsdl exists. You should be able to pull the wsdl directly from your browser.

For example see this page on the live demo server

The wsdl is the web service description file. It is used by the kanban libraries to know how to make API calls into mantis.

The box on the login screen should reflect the url to the mantisconnect php page as it does on the live demo server.

If you have trouble getting that to work, I don't mind taking a quick look at your setup if its public.

ronlinet commented 8 years ago

Ok got it ! I simply didn't understand what value I should put in “Mantis URL” textbox. The doesn't say anything about this. To avoid this kind of mistakes wouldn't it be easier to include the wsdl url in config.js the same as for Mantis.ConnectURL?
Thank for taking care of my issue, much appreciated!