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Command sent to cluster only partially executed [rnaseqqc] #57

Closed jscaber closed 5 years ago

jscaber commented 5 years ago


Hi Andreas,

This but was discovered in rnaseqqc but may have wider implications. When presented with two fastq files, the function subsetSequenceData generates only one subset: File1.fastq.1.gz File1.subset etc.

The command that is sent to the cluster is correct. It can be executed on the command line, where it runs fine. We have tested this extensively with Sebastian on both mine and his set-ups and have not found the cause.

2018-09-12 10:40:02,415 INFO main Execution - {"task": "pipeline_rnaseqqc.subsetSequenceData", "statement": "mkdir -p /ifs/projects/proj096/rnaseqqc/ctmpkhn62bg3; zcat SMA-0205-1.fastq.1.gz                     | aw
k 'NR > 4000000 {exit} {print}'                     | gzip                     > fastq.dir/SMA-0205-1.fastq.1.gz; zcat SMA-0205-1.fastq.2.gz                     | awk 'NR > 4000000 {exit} {print}'                  
   | gzip                     > fastq.dir/SMA-0205-1.fastq.2.gz;  rm -rf /ifs/projects/proj096/rnaseqqc/ctmpkhn62bg3", "hostname": "", "job_id": "0", "engine": "GridExecutor", "submit_time": 15
36745168.1428206, "start_time": 1536745168.1428206, "end_time": 1536745202.4140775, "slots": 1.0, "exit_status": 0.0, "total_t": 34.27125692367554, "cpu_t": 0.0, "wall_t": 0.0, "user_t": 0.0, "sys_t": 0.0, "child_u
ser_t": 0.0, "child_sys_t": 0.0, "shared_data": 0.0, "io_input": 0.0, "io_output": 0.0, "average_memory_total": 0.0, "percent_cpu": 0.0, "average_rss": 0.0, "max_rss": 0.0, "max_vmem": 0.0, "minor_page_faults": 0.0
, "swapped": 0.0, "context_switches_involuntarily": 0.0, "context_switches_voluntarily": 0.0, "average_uss": 0.0, "signal": 0.0, "socket_received": 0.0, "socket_sent": 0.0, "major_page_faults": 0.0, "unshared_data"
: 0.0}

The code after the second semi-colon does not appear to be run. There are no error messages.

Best wishes, Jakub

jscaber commented 5 years ago

PS: When reverting back to the CGATOxford code, the task runs fine.

jscaber commented 5 years ago

I have rewritten the code so it now inserts && instead of ; to join statments (#52), but this does not work either (cannot change the ";" before and after tempdir):

# 2018-09-12 11:21:57,245 INFO {"task": "pipeline_rnaseqqc.subsetSequenceData", "statement": "mkdir -p /ifs/projects/proj096/rnaseqqc/ctmpm5qc31vq; zcat SMA-0303-3.fastq.1.gz                     | awk 'NR > 4000000 {exit} {print}'                     | gzip                     > fastq.dir/SMA-0303-3.fastq.1.gz && zcat SMA-0303-3.fastq.2.gz                     | awk 'NR > 4000000 {exit} {print}'                     | gzip                     > fastq.dir/SMA-0303-3.fastq.2.gz ;  rm -rf /ifs/projects/proj096/rnaseqqc/ctmpm5qc31vq", "hostname": "", "job_id": "0", "engine": "GridExecutor", "submit_time": 1536747675.1106207, "start_time": 1536747675.1106207, "end_time": 1536747717.2442586, "slots": 1.0, "exit_status": 0.0, "total_t": 42.13363790512085, "cpu_t": 0.0, "wall_t": 0.0, "user_t": 0.0, "sys_t": 0.0, "child_user_t": 0.0, "child_sys_t": 0.0, "shared_data": 0.0, "io_input": 0.0, "io_output": 0.0, "average_memory_total": 0.0, "percent_cpu": 0.0, "average_rss": 0.0, "max_rss": 0.0, "max_vmem": 0.0, "minor_page_faults": 0.0, "swapped": 0.0, "context_switches_involuntarily": 0.0, "context_switches_voluntarily": 0.0, "average_uss": 0.0, "signal": 0.0, "socket_received": 0.0, "socket_sent": 0.0, "major_page_faults": 0.0, "unshared_data": 0.0}
AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I will check.

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

Hi Jakub, when I look in the test pipelines, both files are created:

-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu 21776276 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F1-R1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu        0 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F1-R1.subset
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu 21846402 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F1-R2.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu        0 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F1-R2.subset
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu 13760136 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F2-R1.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu        0 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F2-R1.subset
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu 17543563 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F2-R2.fastq.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 andreas usersfgu        0 Sep  7 21:33 Brain-F2-R2.subset

which directory/project are you working in?

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

Never mind, I see it in the logs. Let me try.

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

I can reproduce it, thanks!

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

The reason is likely the interrupted pipe to gzip. This causes the whole statement to fail. It passes in the tests, because the number of reads is below the subsetting threshold.

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

... though an error code is not generated.

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

and ignore_pipe_errors was set to True.

AndreasHeger commented 5 years ago

... actually, it traces to a type in

ignore_pipe_erors = True