cgcardona / audiofile_sdk

The SDK bits of Audiofile
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Planned upgrades for the gradeDNA() method #8

Open cgcardona opened 11 years ago

cgcardona commented 11 years ago

Currently the gradeDNA() method is pretty dumb. It only handles the current use case of a 3 step musical dna bit.

Ultimately we'll need to make our musical DNA bits much more advanced. There are at least three dimensions that we'll want to optimize the fitness score against.

  1. Melody
  2. Rhythm
  3. Range


The melody is currently only moving either up/down a half step. This needs to be far more dynamic. What about going up a major 3rd etc? What about creating multiple notes that are in an interval?


Currently I'm just producing 8 bits of dna and assuming that each one is a quarter note in 4/4 time thus producing 2 measures. I figured this would be simple enough to loop and see if a creature sounds good.

Going forward I'd like to figure out a way to be more dynamic with the timing with a way to set it from the GUI.


What about the different ranges of loudness such as 'piano', 'forte', etc?


As you can see from the above 3 points there is some work to do on the gradeDNA() method to bring out the full power of the system.