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c:geo - The powerful Android geocaching app.
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Global reuse of cache variables #14227

Open Lineflyer opened 1 year ago

Lineflyer commented 1 year ago

Tell us your idea!

This came in as a feature request by a user via support mail.

He refers to the common use case of a power trail including bonus numbers in each cache, combined with a bonus cache using a formula to get the coordinates of it.

At the moment he uses the variable and formula function in c:geo within the bonus cache. This requires him to change from the respective power trail cache listing to the bonus cache listing to note down the bonus number and then change back to the next power trail cache.

What solution would you suggest?

The user suggested a notation format to allow using a variable of another cache in a certain other cache, e.g. using some notation like [GC123ABC:A] which then refers to the variable A of cache listing GC123ABC.

Is there an alternative?

Don't implement it as its not worth the effort and/or has interworking issues to existing variable syntax.

Additional Information

Support ticket 320886

ztNFny commented 1 year ago

imho: writing the formula to look up the variables from other caches takes muuuuch more time than just putting the variables in the bonus in the first place. Especially as you wouldn't know the GC numbers but would have to open the listing of that cache, then copy the GC number, go back to bonus, insert GC number there and then add the variable. So the effort to create such a formula would be 3-4 times the effort to just put them in the bonus.

moving-bits commented 1 year ago

I have the same use case frequently - doing a longer trail, collecting info for a bonus cache. It's pretty annoying to always have to leave the current cache, look for the bonus cache on the map, open it, write down the variable info there, and then return to the cache description, scroll down to the relevant part, collect info for the next variable, and doing the next round-trip etc.

So a solution to this would come quite handy.

Although finding a reasonable UI for this might be not that easy.

Maybe one simplification could be to not differentiate between cache-local vars and bonus-cache vars but decide on a cache-level basis whether the displayed vars are all local or all coming from a different cache ("bonus cache vars"). This could be done when planning a trip, so it would be hassle-free when outside in the field. (All you would have to do is copy the gc code of the bonus cache once, and put it into a specific field on vars tab once for each related cache. (Maybe even a "manage cache" function could help with this for a whole list of caches.))

ztNFny commented 1 year ago

I just put them in a note (text editor) and later on copy that note into the bonus caches user note, c:geo then picks that up as variables. That's faster and easier than any solution inside c:geo that I can think of

(All you would have to do is copy the gc code of the bonus cache once, and put it into a specific field on vars tab once for each related cache. (Maybe even a "manage cache" function could help with this for a whole list of caches.))

Which requires opening each cache, going to variables, pasting. Easily 10 seconds per cache. Slooooow and cumbersome

SammysHP commented 1 year ago

A faster method to jump between cache listing might help.

eddiemuc commented 1 year ago

A faster method to jump between cache listing might help.

You can copy and save a link to the other cache into PN. Tapping it will bring you to the cache details

Anbeku commented 3 weeks ago

This is a feature I also often think of. People saying you can faster copy and past values overlook things in my opinion:

  1. people (like me) might prefer to spend more time at home, preparing everything calmly at a big screen and just have to insert the values outdoor.
  2. Copy & Past data won't get updated if you try to fix a mistake somewhere else

The solution I thought of was a bit different. Maybe you can create variables with list scope wich are accessable from every cache within a list.