cgeo / send2cgeo

Script for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browser to send geocaches directly from your browser to c:geo on your phone.
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Support to edit/add waypoints, set personal notes from browser using send2cgeo #142

Open anondev-sudo opened 7 months ago

anondev-sudo commented 7 months ago

Hello, could you please add option to be able to set personal notes (without premium, should be stored locally on the mobile device) and manage/add waypoints before sending cache to cgeo using this extension? This would be very useful when cache hint is in checker and I want to write it as personal note into cgeo.

capoaira commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately that is currently not possible, cause it needs changes on the server. The server site code is not open source, so the changes cannot be made.

But I also don't know, what exactly you want. As PM your notes will be automatically sync to the app. But as non PM you cannot edit the notes, so from where do you want to sent it? From the geochecker? Therfore there are too many. Or as textfield on the geocaching page?

Also setting WPs makes not really sense for me. There is no option to do it on the webpage...

anondev-sudo commented 7 months ago

I mean there could be button add cgeo personal note next to send2cgeo button and then it would display text field where you can write some text. After you press send2cgeo, it should put the cache to pending import send2cgeo list together with personal note which would be then saved locally on phone where cgeo is (the same as when you add personal note to cache saved in cgeo from the phone). According WP, I noticed that it's possible to add waypoints to saved caches on cgeo on phone, I know geocaching doesn't support it, but it would be nice that you can manage it also from computer.

Or alternatively there could be some web based version of cgeo where you can make changes to saved caches, etc. from browser on your computer and then make those changes appear on your phone in cgeo app.

fm-sys commented 7 months ago

I fear your "c:geo web" wish isn't feasible. Do you know how much effort it would be to build a cgeo web version, write a suitable backed, implement consist algorithms for syncing device with web, etc?

Just adding a text field for entering a personal note doesn't provide much value. At least Geocaching premium members have the possibility to edit the personal cache note on the website which gets already synced to cgeo when using send2cgeo or downloading the geocache inside cgeo manually.