Open StephanGerbeth opened 6 months ago
@StephanGerbeth Could you provide additional details:
@cgewecke i use hardhat@2.22.3 and this is my hardhat.config.cjs
const dotenv = require('dotenv-mono');
/** @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig */
module.exports = {
solidity: {
version: '0.8.23',
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 200
// details: {
// yulDetails: {
// optimizerSteps: 'u'
// }
// }
viaIR: true
contractSizer: {
alphaSort: true,
disambiguatePaths: false,
runOnCompile: true,
strict: true
gasReporter: {
enabled: false,
currency: 'EUR',
L2: 'base',
coinmarketcap: '...'
paths: {
cache: './cache/'
networks: {
hardhat: {
loggingEnabled: false,
allowUnlimitedContractSize: true
// for mainnet
'base-mainnet': {
url: '',
accounts: [process.env.MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY],
gasPrice: 1000000000
// for Sepolia testnet
'base-sepolia': {
url: '',
accounts: [process.env.MASTER_PRIVATE_KEY],
gasPrice: 1000000000
// for local dev environment
'base-local': {
url: 'http://localhost:8545',
gasPrice: 1000000000
defaultNetwork: 'base-local'
i don't actively run the merge task.
@StephanGerbeth I think the problem is that hardhat-toolbox
(at the top of your config) includes an earlier version (v1) of the gas reporter, so the plugin is being loaded twice.
Would it be possible to see if things work without the toolbox? The complete list of plugins it comes with is at the link below,
Another option would be to coerce the version of hardhat-gas-reporter used by the toolbox to the latest version using something like yarn resolutions and let the toolbox load the plugin itself.
@cgewecke thanks for the fast response. i didn't realized that hardhat-toolbox is loading an older version of hardhat-gas-reporter.
I use npm so I have to make an override
"overrides": {
"hardhat-gas-reporter": "2.1.1"
And it works perfectly. Thanks :)
@StephanGerbeth Oh good, Am going to reopen this issue for visibility so people can see your workaround.
The error message is very confusing and I suspect other people will run into this until the toolbox upgrades.
i get the following error, after required the package
in my hardhat config. No additional config.
It seems the legacy tasks in your index file create those problem.
Or am I doing something wrong?