cgiesche / streamdeck-homeassistant

Control your Home Assistant devices from StreamDeck
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Unable to use any actions #255

Closed gravok closed 4 months ago

gravok commented 4 months ago

I am unable to trigger actions from the Streamdeck anymore. It had worked for 2 years flawlessly with the same configuration. I had a brief look at the release notes of HA but saw nothing which seemed related to this issue.

I am seeing access denied log entries inside HA logs every time I press a button:

[547501012416] Error handling message: Unauthorized (unauthorized) StreamDeckUser from 10.X.Y.Z (Mozilla/5.0 ([...])

The config of an example button is: (redacted for readability):

  "serviceShortPress": {
  "entityId": "scene.telephone_conference",
  "serviceData": "",
  "serviceId": "scene.turn_on"

Interestingly, sensors and so on are working just fine. However, no action bound to any button is working (lights, shutters, scenes, etc.)

I already tried generating another API token - however this did not change the situation at all.

Out of deperation - and in the lack of other options - I had a look at the traffic inside the websocket. I can clearly see the request from the Plugin to HA

    "id": 15,
    "type": "execute_script",
    "sequence": [
            "service": "scene.turn_on",
            "data": {},
            "target": {
                "entity_id": [

However - I can not see the answer from HA because Wireshark fails to decompress it...

Can you guide me to a way debugging this issue?


gravok commented 4 months ago

As an addendum I updated to 2.4.5 just to be sure that it was not fixed in the meantime. However, the issue is the same as on 2.4.2.

cgiesche commented 4 months ago

Hmm, the 2.4.2 has been released on December 2023. Did it work since then?

There is an easier way to debug the plugin than wireshark:

First, enable Stream-Deck debug port: In the Registry, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Elgato Systems GmbH\StreamDeck and set the key html_remote_debugging_enabled to the value 1 (DWORD). Then restart the stream-deck application.

After you have enabled debugging, you can connect to the plugin or the property inspector at http://localhost:23654/. In your case, the plugin is the relevant option: image

On the following screen, you can already see some debug output (the requests you found with wireshark), maybe some home-assistant errors, too.

To see the complete communication between Home-Assistant and the plugin, navigate to the Network tab and hit refresh to see all open connections (without refresh, some may be missing): image

image HA = Home-Assistant Websocket, SD = StreamDeck Websocket (not interesting in your case)

To see the Messages, select the "websocket" item and open the Messages tab: image a = A request to home-assistant, b = The answer from Home-Assistant

You may want to create an empty profile with only one button to reduce message spam :)

I hope you can find a hint, what is going wrong.

gravok commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your input.

I conducted all the steps outlined.

However, following this path I got the following request and responses:


    "id": 4,
    "type": "execute_script",
    "sequence": [
            "target": {
                "entity_id": [
            "service": "light.toggle",
            "data": {}


    "id": 4,
    "type": "result",
    "success": false,
    "error": {
        "code": "unauthorized",
        "message": "Unauthorized"

I was thinking about it for a while and found something special that I did, that maybe other people would not do.

The user in my case is not my standard user which I use for administration, but a user I use only for the purpose of connecting the StreamDeck. Therefore, he is not an administrator. For a test I gave the user the administrator flag. As soon as I do this, everything works fine.

It seems like there is some kind of weird change in HA API only allowing administrators access to certain parts of it?

cgiesche commented 4 months ago

Yes, that could well be. At some point in the past, I changed the way services are called. Since then, they have been wrapped in an "execute_script" call. This has the advantage that template expressions can be used in the service data object, which are then resolved on the Home Assistant side. Since execute_script essentially allows everything, it might be restricted to admin users.

I know that using admin users is not generally accepted as good practice :D - maybe (but with low prio) I will make the service-call-wrapping optional somehow.

gravok commented 4 months ago

Yes, that could well be. At some point in the past, I changed the way services are called. Since then, they have been wrapped in an "execute_script" call. This has the advantage that template expressions can be used in the service data object, which are then resolved on the Home Assistant side. Since execute_script essentially allows everything, it might be restricted to admin users.

Ah that explains it I think. I was looking through the git blames from HA side and was seeing no changes in the structure of the API concerning the execute_script command. This command has been admin_only for 3 years now.

I know that using admin users is not generally accepted as good practice :D - maybe (but with low prio) I will make the service-call-wrapping optional somehow.

Using admin accounts is most certainly non-optimal. However, at least in my case, it is risk-wise not really relevant. Having both the stream deck running as well as my long term valid admin session cookie on the same machine - a smart attacker would always opt for the long-term admin token ;).

The issue has been resolved for me. Thank you very much.