cgkineo / adapt-hint

An extension that adds a small, clickable icon to a component that displays additional information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

Readme updates #28

Open tomallpress opened 1 month ago

tomallpress commented 1 month ago

The hint button is displayed between the component display text (header) and the interaction (widget). For components without display text, the button is displayed after the interaction (widget).

I think there may be an error in the 2nd sentence. Not sure it's quite accurate. i think it's suggesting that components without an interaction, the hint button displays at the bottom of the component (which it does, in testing) but the wording is saying "without display text" which feels a bit vague. So i suggest rewording the 2nd sentence so it reads "For components without an interactive element (e.g. a Text component), the button is displayed after the instruction field."

oliverfoster commented 1 month ago

The "interaction" or "widget" is the section below the instruction text and before the end of the component. The text component does not have a widget, the slider, mcq, hotgraphic, graphic, accordion etc, all have a widget. The "display text" means the "header", which is the title, body and instruction text sections, all components apart from blank have a "header". Most components have a "header" and "widget". A header can be excluded by leaving the title, body and instruction blank.

It's very confusing that display text and interaction are used instead of header and widget.

"For components without an interactive element (e.g. a Text component), the button is displayed after the instruction field."

I think it's more "For components with a header the button is displayed after the header. For components without a header the button is displayed after the widget.".

tomallpress commented 1 month ago

thanks @oliverfoster that makes sense. and your suggested re-word makes sense to me. Just for clarity could we also add the following (see in italics below) to your suggestion, as I'm not sure we're familiar with referring to the collective of title, body and instruction as the 'header':

"For components with a header (i.e. the display title, body and instruction fields) the button is displayed after the header. For components without a header the button is displayed after the widget."

kirsty-hames commented 3 weeks ago

The Readme demo.gif could do with updating to reflect the Hint button position.