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eXercise Sheets IMproved
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mcq with more than one correct choice #124

Open kesu33 opened 3 months ago

kesu33 commented 3 months ago

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\NewTasksEnvironment[ label = (\Alph) , label-format = \bfseries , label-width = 21pt ]{choices}[\choice] %\DeclareExerciseType{mcq} \DeclareExerciseProperty{answer}
\answer[1]{% % \SetExpandedExerciseProperty{answer}{ \thetask\ \unexpanded{#1}}% % #1% %}

% Define the \answer command \NewDocumentCommand \answer {o m } {\IfNoValueTF{#1}{% \SetExerciseProperty{answer}{#2}%,
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} %\edef\newvalue{\GetExerciseProperty{answer}, #2}

\newcommand*\getanswers{% \def\betweenanswers{\def\betweenanswers{\hspace{2em}}}% \ForEachUsedExerciseByID{% \betweenanswers##3\ExercisePropertyGet{##1}{##2}{answer}% }% }


\begin{examtitle}{Test 1}
    Angles in parallel lines

        If the ratio of two supplementary angles is $\frac{4}{11}$, what is the
        measure of the small angle?
            \choice \ang{36}
            \choice \ang{44}
            \choice \answer[kesu]{\ang{48}}
            \choice \answer[kk]{\ang{52}}
            \choice \ang{60}
        Is this really a question?
            \choice \answer{yes}
            \choice no
            \choice maybe
            \choice no idea
        This really is a question!
            \choice yes
            \choice \answer[1]{no} 
            \choice \answer[2]{maybe} 
            \choice no idea


\end{document} document.pdf

answer shows two option but in many times