I'm not a developer myself so I don't know how to export src's to Chrome as extension ("Load unpacked extension" gives an error) to debug my code but if someone can I will be very grateful. So instead of commit I'll write it down:
exports.rockradio = require("./rockradio");
"use strict";
var $ = require("jquery");
var Plugin = require("../modules/Plugin");
var Utils = require("../modules/Utilities");
var rockradio = Object.create(Plugin);
rockradio.init("rockradio", "Rockradio"); // name, displayName
rockradio.test = function () {
var domainTest = /rockradio\.com/i.test(document.location.hostname);
var playerTest = $(".status") === "now playing" : "stopped";
return domainTest && playerTest;
rockradio.scrape = function () {
var artistsong = $(".title").text().split("-");
var info = {
artist: artistsong.length > 1 ? $.trim(artistsong[1]) : "",
title: artistsong.length > 1 ? $.trim(artistsong[2]) : "",
elapsed: Utils.calculateDuration($(".elapsed").text()),
stopped: $(".status") === "stopped",
return info;
module.exports = rockradio;
I'm not a developer myself so I don't know how to export src's to Chrome as extension ("Load unpacked extension" gives an error) to debug my code but if someone can I will be very grateful. So instead of commit I'll write it down:
Other AudioAddict Network sites (http://www.radiotunes.com/ http://www.jazzradio.com/ http://www.di.fm/) use the same player so if someone want he can easily add them too.