cgrindel / rules_spm

Provide a means for integrating external Swift packages built by Swift Package Manager into Bazel build using rules_swift.
Apache License 2.0
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spm_repositories - doesn't seem to work #166

Open johndpope opened 2 years ago

johndpope commented 2 years ago
    name = "cgrindel_rules_spm",
    sha256 = "03718eb865a100ba4449ebcbca6d97bf6ea78fa17346ce6d55532312e8bf9aa8",
    strip_prefix = "rules_spm-0.11.0",
    urls = [







load("@cgrindel_rules_spm//spm:defs.bzl", "spm_pkg", "spm_repositories")

    name = "swift_pkgs",
    dependencies = [
            from_version = "0.0.9",
            products = ["Supabase"],

I tried to fork project and change the name "",

I can clone project and successfully run swift build

I'm not sure why this fails - but suspect it's a version number? in the package.resolved it says version 1 (which should be 0.0.9)

cgrindel commented 2 years ago

What error are you seeing?

BTW, when a repository that hosts a Swift package has a different name from the name in the Package.swift, you need to specify the name in the spm_pkg. So, the declaration for supabase-community/supabase-swift should be:

    name = "swift_pkgs",
    dependencies = [
            name = "Supabase",
            url = "",
            from_version = "0.0.9",
            products = ["Supabase"],

The Firebase repository as mentioned in #147 has a similar situation. It turns out lots of repository names do not the package name. I need to make this clearer in the docs.

johndpope commented 2 years ago

Thanks Chuck - good eyes - I plug this in - but hit a snag on subsequent dependency.

INFO: Invocation ID: 02e499fb-a602-415d-a4cc-e4a6b68a8955
INFO: Options provided by the client:
  Inherited 'common' options: --isatty=0 --terminal_columns=80
INFO: Reading rc options for 'build' from /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/.bazelrc:
  'build' options: --action_env=ZERO_AR_DATE=1 --apple_platform_type=ios --cxxopt=-std=c++17 --per_file_copt=third-party/webrtc/.*.cpp$,@-std=c++17 --per_file_copt=third-party/webrtc/.*.cc$,@-std=c++17 --per_file_copt=third-party/webrtc/.*.mm$,@-std=c++17 --per_file_copt=submodules/LottieMeshSwift/LottieMeshBinding/Sources/.*.mm$,@-std=c++17 --swiftcopt=-whole-module-optimization --features=debug_prefix_map_pwd_is_dot --features=swift.cacheable_swiftmodules --features=swift.debug_prefix_map --features=swift.enable_vfsoverlays --strategy=Genrule=standalone --spawn_strategy=standalone --strategy=SwiftCompile=standalone --define RULES_SWIFT_BUILD_DUMMY_WORKER=1
INFO: Repository swift_pkgs instantiated at:
  /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/WORKSPACE:102:17: in <toplevel>
Repository rule spm_repositories defined at:
  /private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/spm_repositories.bzl:595:35: in <toplevel>
ERROR: An error occurred during the fetch of repository 'swift_pkgs':
   Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/spm_repositories.bzl", line 593, column 30, in _spm_repositories_impl
        _configure_spm_repository(repository_ctx, pkgs, env)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/spm_repositories.bzl", line 535, column 55, in _configure_spm_repository
        dep_target_refs_dict = pds.transitive_dependencies(pkg_descs_dict, declared_product_refs)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/package_descriptions.bzl", line 499, column 55, in _transitive_dependencies
        prd_target_refs = _get_product_target_refs(pkg_descs_dict, product_ref)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/package_descriptions.bzl", line 467, column 30, in _get_product_target_refs
        pkg_desc = pkg_descs_dict[pkg_name]
Error: key "gotrue-swift" not found in dictionary
ERROR: /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/WORKSPACE:102:17: fetching spm_repositories rule //external:swift_pkgs: Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/spm_repositories.bzl", line 593, column 30, in _spm_repositories_impl
        _configure_spm_repository(repository_ctx, pkgs, env)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/spm_repositories.bzl", line 535, column 55, in _configure_spm_repository
        dep_target_refs_dict = pds.transitive_dependencies(pkg_descs_dict, declared_product_refs)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/package_descriptions.bzl", line 499, column 55, in _transitive_dependencies
        prd_target_refs = _get_product_target_refs(pkg_descs_dict, product_ref)
    File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_johndpope/2ca6f1f29103f2b01aba282476736c24/external/cgrindel_rules_spm/spm/private/package_descriptions.bzl", line 467, column 30, in _get_product_target_refs
        pkg_desc = pkg_descs_dict[pkg_name]
Error: key "gotrue-swift" not found in dictionary
ERROR: /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/submodules/TelegramUI/BUILD:42:14: //submodules/TelegramUI:TelegramUI depends on @swift_pkgs//Supabase:Supabase in repository @swift_pkgs which failed to fetch. no such package '@swift_pkgs//Supabase': key "gotrue-swift" not found in dictionary

I attempt to bubble up the dependency as below

    name = "swift_pkgs",
    dependencies = [
             url = "",
            name = "Supabase",
            from_version = "0.0.9",
            products = ["Supabase"],
             url = "",
            name = "GoTrue",
            from_version = "0.0.0",
            products = ["GoTrue"],


but no joy

The package does have a name attribute in it.

I'm access the package this way..


the error I'm seeing is

Error: key "gotrue-swift" not found in dictionary
ERROR: /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/submodules/TelegramUI/BUILD:42:14: //submodules/TelegramUI:TelegramUI depends on @swift_pkgs//Supabase:Supabase in repository @swift_pkgs which failed to fetch. no such package '@swift_pkgs//Supabase': key "gotrue-swift" not found in dictionary
ERROR: Analysis of target '//Telegram:Telegram' failed; build aborted:
INFO: Elapsed time: 13.896s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Build Event Protocol files produced successfully.

I'll keep digging - thanks

UPDATE - so whereas the name fix worked for supabase - when I attempt to use it on this dependency alone (excluding supabase) - all by itself - it doesn't. "@swift_pkgs//GoTrue:GoTrue",

    name = "swift_pkgs",
    dependencies = [
             url = "",
            name = "GoTrue",
            from_version = "0.0.8",
            products = ["GoTrue"],

Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 6 14 25 am

I can clearly see name correctly in package -

to get around the swift-gotrue error - I fork project rename it to gotrue (case insensitive) shell ror: Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'gotrue' match the requirement 0.0.8..<1.0.0 and root depends on 'gotrue' 0.0.8..<1.0.0.

so I create a release with tag

Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 6 18 39 am Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 6 17 02 am

@swift_pkgs//GoTrue:GoTrue in repository @swift_pkgs which failed to fetch. no such package '@swift_pkgs//GoTrue': key "swift-composable-keychain" not found in dictionary

then finally I can proceed to next one.

It's like we need to build some introspection of package names and not depend on repo name.


so I can carry on with this approach to fork repo - rename it - tag and release it


    name = "swift_pkgs",
    dependencies = [
             url = "",
            name = "ComposableKeychain",
            from_version = "0.0.2",
            products = ["ComposableKeychain"],

but then when I attempt to add the gotrue back -

             url = "",
            name = "GoTrue",
            from_version = "0.0.8",
            products = ["GoTrue"],
             url = "",
            name = "ComposableKeychain",
            from_version = "0.0.2",
            products = ["ComposableKeychain"],

Error: key "swift-composable-keychain" not found in dictionary
ERROR: /Users/johndpope/Documents/gitWorkspace/Telegram-iOS-supabase/submodules/TelegramUI/BUILD:42:14: //submodules/TelegramUI:TelegramUI depends on @swift_pkgs//GoTrue:GoTrue in repository @swift_pkgs which failed to fetch. no such package '@swift_pkgs//GoTrue': key "swift-composable-keychain" not found in dictionary
ERROR: Analysis of target '//Telegram:Telegram' failed; build aborted:

it just blows up again

cgrindel commented 2 years ago

I am not sure what is happening with gotrue-swift. Right now, I am working on upgrading deps for rules_spm and adding support for submodule parsing. I will look at this after those two items are done.

johndpope commented 2 years ago

also - if there was a way to take a swift build folder - that builds with all dependencies - and somehow plug it in so there's no fetching - just use this local (already buildable package) that would be fine by me. this folder is built checking out the and running swift build

Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 6 29 39 am
johndpope commented 2 years ago

I noticed this - going to give it a test drive.

Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 2 46 25 pm

UPDATE I see it was merged - going to look up skylark on youtube.

Sunday UPDATE so as a sanity check - I checked the xcframeworks (that I had built ) and long story short - they had a problem. This has led me to determine some problems inside supabase around using internal libraries. as a sanity check - running this against package.swift - reveals many problems. (internal system modules were referenced: swift-nio-zlib-support - and others)

brew install mint
mint install unsignedapps/swift-create-xcframework
swift create-xcframework --platform ios

so whereas a simple test for swift build was suffice before - using swift create-xcframework --platform ios helps uncover more things with dependencies.