Closed ihorsavka closed 8 years ago
here is my grunt file : /jslint node: true / 'use strict';
var pkg = require('./package.json');
//Using exclusion patterns slows down Grunt significantly //instead of creating a set of patterns like '*/.js' and '!/node_modules/' //this method is used to create a set of inclusive patterns for all subdirectories //skipping node_modules, bower_components, dist, and any .dirs //This enables users to create any directory structure they desire. var createFolderGlobs = function(fileTypePatterns) { fileTypePatterns = Array.isArray(fileTypePatterns) ? fileTypePatterns : [fileTypePatterns]; var ignore = ['node_modules','bower_components','dist','temp']; var fs = require('fs'); return fs.readdirSync(process.cwd()) .map(function(file){ if (ignore.indexOf(file) !== -1 || file.indexOf('.') === 0 || !fs.lstatSync(file).isDirectory()) { return null; } else { return { return file + '/**/' + pattern; }); } }) .filter(function(patterns){ return patterns; }) .concat(fileTypePatterns); };
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);
// Project configuration.
connect: {
main: {
options: {
port: 9001
watch: {
main: {
options: {
livereload: true,
livereloadOnError: false,
spawn: false
files: [createFolderGlobs(['.js','.less','_.html']),'!SpecRunner.html','!.grunt'],
tasks: [] //all the tasks are run dynamically during the watch event handler
clean: {
after: {
less: {
production: {
options: {
files: {
'temp/app.css': 'app.less'
ngtemplates: {
main: {
options: {
htmlmin:'<%= htmlmin.main.options %>'
src: [createFolderGlobs('.html'),'!index.html','!_SpecRunner.html'],
dest: 'temp/templates.js'
copy: {
main: {
files: [
{src: ['img/'], dest: 'dist/'},
{src: ['bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/'], dest: 'dist/',filter:'isFile',expand:true},
{src: ['bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/'], dest: 'dist/',filter:'isFile',expand:true}
//{src: ['bower_components/angular-ui-utils/ui-utils-ieshiv.min.js'], dest: 'dist/'},
//{src: ['bowercomponents/select2/.png','bowercomponents/select2/.gif'], dest:'dist/css/',flatten:true,expand:true},
//{src: ['bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js'], dest: 'dist/'}
read: {
options: {
src: 'index.html'
update: {
options: {
remove: ['script[data-remove!="false"]','link[data-remove!="false"]'],
append: [
dest: 'dist/index.html'
cssmin: {
main: {
src:['temp/app.css','<%= %>'],
concat: {
main: {
src: ['<%= %>','<%= ngtemplates.main.dest %>'],
dest: 'dist/app.full.js'
ngAnnotate: {
main: {
dest: 'dist/app.full.js'
uglify: {
main: {
src: 'dist/app.full.js',
htmlmin: {
main: {
options: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeComments: true,
removeEmptyAttributes: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true
files: {
'dist/index.html': 'dist/index.html'
//Imagemin has issues on Windows.
//To enable imagemin:
// - "npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin"
// - Comment in this section
// - Add the "imagemin" task after the "htmlmin" task in the build task alias
// imagemin: {
// main:{
// files: [{
// expand: true, cwd:'dist/',
// src:['/{.png,.jpg}'],
// dest: 'dist/'
// }]
// }
// },
karma: {
options: {
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [ //this files data is also updated in the watch handler, if updated change there too
'<%= %>',
autoWatch: false, //watching is handled by grunt-contrib-watch
singleRun: true
all_tests: {
browsers: ['PhantomJS','Chrome','Firefox']
during_watch: {
browsers: ['PhantomJS']
grunt.registerTask('build',['clean:before','less','dom_munger','ngtemplates','cssmin','concat','ngAnnotate','uglify','copy','htmlmin','clean:after']); grunt.registerTask('serve', ['dom_munger:read','connect', 'watch']); grunt.registerTask('test',['dom_munger:read','karma:all_tests']); grunt.registerTask('travis',['dom_munger:read','karma:all_tests']);
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) { //
var tasksToRun = [];
if (filepath.lastIndexOf('.js') !== -1 && filepath.lastIndexOf('.js') === filepath.length - 3) {
//lint the changed js file
//find the appropriate unit test for the changed file
var spec = filepath;
if (filepath.lastIndexOf('-spec.js') === -1 || filepath.lastIndexOf('-spec.js') !== filepath.length - 8) {
spec = filepath.substring(0,filepath.length - 3) + '-spec.js';
//if the spec exists then lets run it
if (grunt.file.exists(spec)) {
var files = [].concat(grunt.config(''));
grunt.config('karma.options.files', files);
//if index.html changed, we need to reread the <script> tags so our next run of karma
//will have the correct environment
if (filepath === 'index.html') {
}); };
It looks like you took jshint out of the grunt build process. Try putting that back in and see what it complains about, maybe that'll help you pinpoint the location of the issue. You can override some of the jshint complaints manually (with a special comment) if you feel the code is valid.
Anyways, the error looks like a minification issue. I think ngAnnotate is probably just barfing on some of the dependency injection code/syntax you're using when you define a controller/module/whatnot.
That's my guess, hope it helps.
The problem was in node version
@ihorsavka : You can close this right if you've found the solution. Do mention which version of node solved it.
@ihorsavka : Which version did you use to resolve this?
Will look at work and let you know is this ok?
thats what i get after building the project with grunt and that is strange i'm not the best in setting up all this stuff so can somebody help me