cgross / generator-cg-angular

Yeoman generator for Enterprise Angular projects.
MIT License
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Remove/Rename -- Feature Request #35

Open Jakobovski opened 10 years ago

Jakobovski commented 10 years ago

It would be really useful for there to be a command to be able to remove and rename a partials/modules/directives etc...

For example: yo cg-angular:module my-module --delete

cgross commented 10 years ago

Yeoman generators generally don't have delete options but you're not the first person to ask. I will add it in the future.

jeffreycahyono commented 10 years ago

What needs to be removed for module removal aside from deleting the included js in index.html and `@import in the app.less?

Jakobovski commented 10 years ago

the module injection in app.js. Also it would be useful to be able to remove directives, partials and services as well.

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 11:44 AM, jeffreycahyono wrote:

What needs to be removed for module removal aside from deleting the included js in index.html and @impart in the app.less?

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spamguy commented 10 years ago

There's something more to deleting modules than that. I created a module called home, then promptly junked it by deleting the directory, any mods to app.less, index.html, and app.js. I recreated the module, then created a partial. The partial generator asked me to choose from three modules:

❯ myapp (Primary Application Module) 

I've scoured my project looking for any lingering mentions of 'home' and haven't found any.

EDIT: I eventually found them in the file .yo-rc.json. As a short-term aid to deleting things, could the generator be more transparent that .yo-rc.json was modified?

SimpleAnecdote commented 9 years ago

I would love knowing if there's anything to look forward to on this front? I use Yeoman to scaffold my app as I go - this is why it's so useful to me. Refactoring is an essential part of the process and would be much less pain if the generator support deletion.