cgross / generator-cg-angular

Yeoman generator for Enterprise Angular projects.
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Generator assumes that all app content should be in a container #50

Open bolora opened 10 years ago

bolora commented 10 years ago

The index.html template structures the ui-view inside a container and row then each partial is coded with the col-md-12

This makes it impossible for any partial to expand beyond the container without having to edit the structure of index.html and EVERY partial created thereafter.

The col-md-12 is unnecessary because all divs are 12 columns anyway.

I would suggest simplifying the index file to

Then each partial when created can have the container (if it is a route) and it would be nice to insert dummy content


The controller file could be preloaded with the message

angular.module('myApp').controller('myPageCtrl',function($scope){ $scope.helloMyPage = "Hello myPage"; });

The only problem with this idea is that it would potentially break current apps built the other way.