cgross / generator-cg-angular

Yeoman generator for Enterprise Angular projects.
MIT License
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deprecated grunt-regarde #8

Closed klh closed 11 years ago

klh commented 11 years ago

Grunt-regarde has been deprecated in favor of grunt-contrib-watch...

cgross commented 11 years ago

The generator is using watch instead of regarde. Perhaps you're on an older version of the generator?

klh commented 11 years ago

Ooops sorry, you're right! 

— From my mobile

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Chris Gross wrote:

The generator is using watch instead of regarde. Perhaps you're on an older version of the generator?

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cgross commented 11 years ago

I just noticed that it was still listed as a dev-dependency in the package.json. Maybe you were seeing in installed though it wasn't being used. I've removed it and you can feel free to remove the regarde package from your node_modules.