cgross / generator-cg-angular15

Yeoman Generator for Enterprise Angular 1.5 Projects with Typescript, Webpack, and Sass.
MIT License
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UI Router #3

Open eknowles opened 7 years ago

eknowles commented 7 years ago

Love the project! However, I think it's missing the ability to use uirouter instead of ngRoute. I'm sure others would agree.

I can contribute if it's not already being worked on

kevinboosten commented 7 years ago

Hi @eknowles, I already started on enabling ui-router support a couple of months ago. Maybe we can continue on my fork to complete it together (

rbosneag commented 7 years ago

I think I saw that @cgross left some code for the ui-router option from the old generator in this new one. You can check cg-angular to get inspired for your fork.

rbosneag commented 7 years ago

actually I was thinking of importing the new Angular 1.5 component router in my fork (not published) but the component router became deprecated and was awaiting for some changes in the Angular 2 router. It fits much better in a component architecture than the good ol' ui-router but I don't know if it's available yet.